Wednesday, November 27, 2013

¡Políticos Revisados! (Revised Policies)

Revised Policies

The following policies should be considered additions to or modifications of the syllabus sent home at the beginning of the year:

Updated General Policies

- Participation points will be awarded each week (3 per day, 15 per average week). This will occur instead of periodic notebook checks. Students may complete classwork assignments on iPads if desired, but must be prepared to show work to Sr. Kargol upon request.  Participation points will be deducted if students are unable to show proof of completed work upon request in class.

- Participation points may also be denied for the following reasons: failure to follow instructions, failure to complete assigned tasks, socializing/speaking in English during group time, failure to comply with technology expectations, failure to work with designated partner or group, failure to return book and/or desk to correct place at the end of class, lack of attention / participation in class, failure to bring iPad to class, etc).

- Homework will continue to be completed on paper, but will be collected during the last day of each school week and returned the following week. This will be done instead of using homework stamp sheets.

Updated Technology Policies

- All students must bring iPads to class every day. They will be used throughout the week for a variety of purposes, and students who don't bring them to class will be unable to participate fully in planned activities.

- It will be increasingly common for homework to be posted on this site rather than handed out on paper. Students without reliable internet connections at home will be expected to use the "add to reading list" button to save any assignments to their devices before leaving school. 

- Students may only use iPads during class for designated purposes at designated times. The phrases "manzanas" (apples) or "muestrenme sus manzanas" (show me your apples) will be used to signal that all iPads should be closed and away until further notice. Failure to comply will result in lost participation points.

- The school-wide introduction of iPads means there is truly no reason for any student to be using a cellular phone during class. Any family member who wishes to get a hold of a student during class may communicate via the attendance office or via cell phone during exchange time. Students who have cell phones visible during class (whether they are being used or not) will lose participation points. As this is a very clear and straightforward policy, Sr. Kargol will not necessarily use class time to communicate to students that participation points have been deducted.

- The following policy will be followed with regard to cell phones:  

1st incident: put phone on Sr. Kargol's desk for class period, lose participation points

2nd incident: put phone on Sr. Kargol's desk for class period, lose participation points, Sr. Kargol calls home

3rd incident: put phone on Sr. Kargol's desk for class period, lose participation points, Sr. Kargol calls home, disciplinary action determined by teacher/parents/administration 

- Students will be expected to maintain a desktop shortcut to on their iPads (the icon will be created as a group in class), as well as other language-related Apps that will be downloaded as necessary during class.

Updated Partner Policies

- All students will work in equipos (teams) of four students (some classes may also have some groups of three, depending on class numbers). Each team will decide on a team name and will work together during designated team time in class.

- Each student will also have an A, B and C compañero (partner). Your A partner is the person who sits next to you cross-ways within your designated group. Your B partner is the person who either sits in front of you or behind you in your designated group. Your C partner is the person who sits diagonally across from you within your group. The partner you work with during a given partner activity will be specified by Sr. Kargol.  Failure to work with your designated partner during activities may result in lost participation points.

- If your partner for the day is absent, it is your responsibility to find another person without a partner or to ask for help finding a partner. 

Questions about the above policies may be sent via email to 

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