Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week of Dec. 2-6

Spanish 1

Monday - objective:  discuss new policies and procedures + complete remaining familia presentations

Classwork:  class dedicated to reviewing updated policies (see previous post) and finish family presentations 

+ 2A and 2B vocab distributed

Note: + Quiz on 2A vocab: to talk about your school day, to talk about the order of things, subject pronouns this Friday! 

Homework: no hay 


Tuesday - objective:  use Spanish subject pronouns to talk about individuals and groups of people


1) With with A partner, read through gramática box on p. 98 (Subject pronouns). Read everything!

2) After reading, discuss and be ready to answer the following questions: 

answer questions projected during reading activity:

What is a subject pronoun?  (definition)

How many different subject pronouns exist in Spanish? (count gender variations as a separate item)

Which of the Spanish subject pronouns are typically only used in Spain?

Which pronoun would you use to refer to the following individuals / groups?

1.Jose                                 4. Julia                             7. Juana and Lorena

2. Julia, Jose and I              5. Juan and Ricardo    8. a group of close friends from Spain

3. a group of professionals    6. your best friend             9.the principal of your school

3) Do card trading activity 

4) Create personalized chart for all 12 Spanish pronouns.  Create a table and write in a name or names for each pronoun. Use the Spanish word y when listing more than one person. 

Remember: Mi amigo/amiga = my friend. Use mi + family word­ to refer to family relationships.   (Mi tío Steve = My uncle Steve)

5- Check in with B partner. Share your items for each of the 12 Spanish pronouns. Read all aloud.

6- If time, preview school subjects vocab from vocab handout (use .PPT)

Homework: write out your current school schedule using ordinal numbers + school day vocab


Mi horario   (My schedule)

La primera hora tengo la clase de ....
La segunda hora tengo la clase de...


Wednesday - objective: use ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, etc. ) + tener to discuss class schedules

1- Run through list of school subjects vocab using .PPT (x2)

2- learn tener conjugations:  tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, tienen  

TENER  (to have)

¿Qué clase tienes en la primera hora?      Tengo la clase de arte (en la primera hora).

¿Qué clase tienes en la séptima hora?    Tengo la clase de inglés (en la séptima hora).

3- Work in teams, take turns asking rotating questions based on TL and using HW to answer

4- When complete, study new target language: 

¿Cuando tienes la clase de español?          Tengo la clase de español en la cuarta hora.

                                                                      No tengo la clase de español.

5- Return to team, complete another rotation with new target language 

6- Wrap up together by reviewing target language questions as a class

HW - study vocab 


Thursday - objective: complete a variety of listening / reading activities relating to Videohistoria

1- Work with C partner, use Quizlet flash cards to study taught vocab (roughly cards 1-27)  - . Make sure to select "Start with English" on the right-hand side. Take turns asking/answering Qs with partner.

2- Work with A partner, read p. 88 aloud + take turns reading through Videohistoria dialogue on p. 89-90. Flip back to p. 88 and answer Qs.

3- Watch Videohistoria first time. Stop, focus on problem with schedule. Watch second time.

4- Work with A partner, complete act. 3 + 4    +  review together

5- Complete lines of communication exercise using the following Qs:

¿Tienes la clase de __________________?          Sí, tengo la clase de ______________.
                                                                        No, no tengo la clase de ___________.

¿Qué clase tienes en la primera hora?            Tengo la clase de arte (en la primera hora).

¿Cuando tienes la clase de español?                Tengo la clase de español en la cuarta hora.

                                                                     No tengo la clase de español.

6- Read about Fernando Botero on p. 84, view Botero pictures from Medellín, Colombia: 

Homework:  Study for quiz tomorrow!


Friday - objective: Review taught vocabulary and forms + take quiz

1- IB: complete act. 14 in book

2- complete scavenger hunt activity (whole class). Write down names (in Spanish, + info to fill in blanks if a blank is provided)

1. Ella tiene la clase de matemáticas en la mañana
2. Él tiene la clase de inglés en la tarde
3. Nosotros/Nosotras tenemos la clase de __________________ en el horario
4. Nosotros/Nosotras no tenemos la clase de _____________ en el horario
5. Ellos/ellas tienen la clase de ___________________________

3 - review together

4- Watch Spanish subject pronouns song video (up to 1:05)

5- Take QUIZ!

6- review quiz answers 

7- Review additional 2A vocabulary 


Spanish 2

Monday - objective:  discuss new policies and procedures + complete remaining familia presentations

Classwork:  class dedicated to reviewing updated policies (see previous post) and finish dormitorio presentations 

Note: Capítulo 6A Exam this Friday! Study all vocabulary and target language, including prepositions, comparisons, the superlative, and dormir/poder conjugations.  

+ return packets, complete p. 193-194 with A partners

HW - p. 193-194 in packet (whatever is not finished in class) 


Tuesday - objective:  use comparatives and superlatives to describe a variety of singular and plural nouns

1- Working with your B partner, read all of the questions below. Answer each of the two following questions for each item below:  1) ¿Es singular o plural?  2) ¿Es comparativo o superlativo?

1. ¿Qué es más grande, un gorila o un rinoceronte?

2. ¿Qué es el animal más grande?

3. ¿Qué es menos interesante, estudiar francés o estudiar chino?

4. ¿Qué es el mejor idioma (language)?

5. ¿Qué animales son peores, los gatos o los perros?

6. ¿ Qué animales son los peores?

Review answers as a class. 

2 - Partner back up, ask and answer each Q with B partner.

3- Translate English sentences into Spanish individually. Remember to include accents on interrogative questions! Also remember to make adjectives plural when they are paired with a plural noun (i.e. cortinas moradas). 

            1. What is the darkest color?                       (dark = oscuro)
            2. What is the least interesting book?
            3. What is the tastiest food?
            4. What are the best desserts?
            5. What is the least entertaining show?     (show = el programa)

4 - Compare answers with partner

5- Use the items in the chart below to complete a rotating speaking exercise with your team. Use the first item as a model for the rest of the questions. The question-asker role will rotate with each item. Once you've used the items provided, continue the exercise using your own cosas or verbos.  

Cosa o Verbo
el té caliente (la bebida)
El té caliente es menos rico que el café.
El té caliente es la bebida menos rica.
viajar  (la actividad)
Viajar es más divertido que ver la tele.
Viajar es la actividad más divertida.
jamón (la comida)

ciencias naturales (la clase)

la guitarra (el instrumento musical)

la tableta (la technología)

Bend (la ciudad)

chocolate (el dulce)

el tenis (el deporte)


HW - p. 110 (repaso crossword puzzle) 


Wednesday - objective:  describe photos using prepositions, comparisons, and superlative statements

1- Partner up with C partner. Looking at the picture below, write as many true statements as possible. Use prepositions, comparisons, the superlative and bedroom vocab as necessary.

2 -Share answers with the class. 

3- Using the additional pictures below, complete a rotating discussion exercise in teams. Questions should focus on one of the following three areas and use one of the question starters provided for each category:

1. Ubicación (location)           ¿Dónde está / están … ? 


2. Comparación                     ¿Qué es mas / menos ______, ….. ?

                                            ¿Qué es mejor / peor, ..... ?


3. Superlativo                       ¿Qué es el/la __________ más _____________?     

                                            ¿Qué es el/la __________ menos __________?

                                            ¿Qué es el/la mejor _____________?
                                            ¿Quee es el/la peor ______________?


Dormitorio A 

Dormitorio B

 Dormitorio C

 Dormitorio D

  Dormitorio E 

  Dormitorio F

Homework: p. 105 in packet  (La experiencia nueva).  Note: Comparte comes from the verb compartir, to share. 



Thursday - objective: complete superlative projects

1- Read project directions below:

Using the Haiku Deck app or a large sheet of paper, create a four-paneled presentation/poster using the superlative tense. You must include the following pieces of language in your project:

Required language:                                                 Examples:

1-  el/la mejor ____________                                 El tenis es el mejor deporte.
2-  el/la peor   _____________                               La rata es el peor animal.
3-  el/la __________ más ______________     La guitarra es el instrumento más bonito.
4- el/la ___________ menos _____________      Kansas es el estado menos interesante.

2- Take class period to create individual projects. Turn in notebooks for final notebook check (to be returned within the period).

3- When finished, read ¡Adelante! - El desastre en mi dormitorio on p. 116, discuss ¿Comprendes? questions on p. 117 

Note: You may be asked to share your project with the class! 

Homework: Study for 6A exam tomorrow 

Friday - objective:  take chapter 6A test  (w/ picture + spoken bonus section)

1- Watch prepositions rhyme video 

2- Some students randomly selected to share Haiku Deck presentations from yesterday's class using AirServer

3-  Read through HW p. 29 (from a couple weeks back) with group. Take turns asking/answering questions with B partner

4- Pass up 6A homework packets 

5- Take 6A exam

6- if time, share additional Haiku Deck presentations from yesterday using Airserver

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