Sunday, May 4, 2014

Semana de 5-9 de mayo





Objectivo: learn about Cinco de Mayo + practice asking/answering a variety of interrogative questions


1- Read History Channel article about Cinco de mayo and watch video 

2- Let's refresh interrogative words and common questions. You must know and be able to both ask and answer all of the questions below in the yo and forms for this Thursday's exam!

1) ¿De dónde eres?    =   where are you from?
*eres can be swapped out with any other ser conjugation: soy, es, somos, son

respuesta:  Soy de Costa Rica.

2) ¿Cómo eres?           =    what are you like?  (personality)
*eres can be swapped out with any other ser conjugation: soy, es, somos, son

respuesta:  Soy paciente y estudiosa.

3) ¿Adónde vas?        =    where are you going?
*vas can be swapped out with any other ir conjugation: voy, va, vamos, van

respuesta:     Voy al parque.
                        Voy a la playa.

4) ¿Cómo te llamas? =     what is your name?  (literally "what do you call yourself?)
* te llamas can be swapped out with any other llamarse conjugation: me llamo, se llama, nos llamamos, se llaman

respuesta:     Me llamo Miguel.

5) ¿Cuántos años tienes? =  how old are you? (literally "how many years do you have?)
* tienes can be swapped out with any other tener conjugation: tengo, tiene, tenemos, tienen

respuesta:     Tengo quince años.

6) ¿Qué haces los sábados?  =  what do you do on Saturdays?
* Haces can be swapped out with any other hacer conjugation: hago, hace, hacemos, hacen
* * Sábados can be swapped out with any other pluralized Spanish day of the week: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, domingos

respuesta:     Estudio español y hago ejercicio los sábados.

7) ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita? =  what is your favorite class?
* tu can be swapped out with other possessive adjectives like mi (my) and su (his/her/Usted's)

respuesta:     Mi clase favorita es la clase de ciencias naturales.

8)  ¿Qué te gusta hacer?         =    what do you like to do?
* te gusta can be swapped out with other phrases like me gusta (yo), le gusta (él/ella/Ud), nos gusta (nosotros), and les gusta (ellos/ellas/Uds.)

respuesta:     Me gusta ir de compras y hacer ejercicio.

9) ¿Quién es tu profesor/profesora favorito/favorita? =  who is your favorite teacher?
* tu can be swapped out with other possessive adjectives like mi cumpleaños (my) and su cumpleaños (his/her/Usted's)

respuesta:     Mi profesor favorito es el señor Reynolds.
                        Mi profesora favorita es la señora Bussman.

10) ¿Cuál es tu cumpleaños? =  what is your birthday?    (pregunta nueva) 
* tu can be swapped out with other possessive adjectives like mi cumpleaños (my) and su cumpleaños (his/her/Usted's)

respuesta:   Mi cumpleaños es el viente de junio.

3- Work with LA SANDÍA. Take turns asking and answering each of the above questions with answers that are true for you.

4- Stand + sign ¿Adónde vas? without lyrics  (sin letra)

5- Work with EL DURAZNO. Talk through communication task using interrogatives.

Tarea:  This week there will be two homework assignments, both of which will be due on Thursday:

#1 - typed answers to each of the interrogative questions above, turned into Showbie folder entitled "4A Preguntas" (10 points)

#2 - the crossword puzzle in the 4A packet  (6 points)



Objectivo: continue using interrogative words to ask and answer a variety of questions

1- Rompehielos:  Turn to someone nearby. Attempt to spark up a Spanish language conversation and use no English for three minutes.

2- Work with EL AGUACATE. Read act. 28 aloud and talk through the ¿Comprendes? questions. 

3- Complete rotating communication task with interrogative questions

4- Complete listening activity 7 on p. 75 of 4A packet

5- Wrap up: 

¿Qué haces los viernes?
Normalmente yo veo una película los viernes.

¿Adónde vas para ver una película?
Voy al cine.

¿Con quién vas?
Normalmente voy con unos amigos.    -o-     Voy solo/sola.

Tarea:  Continue working on interrogative questions Showbie assignment and 4A crossword puzzle (due Thursday)



Objectivo: continue using interrogative words to ask and answer a variety of questions

1- Rompehielos:  Work with EL CAMARÓN.  Using information in document (aquí), take turns asking and answering the appropriate interrogative questions. Answer each question from the perspective of the character on your sheet, NOT with your own information.

2- Using your iPad, create a character using all of the criteria mentioned in the document from the last activity (name, age, birthday, country, schedule, favorite class, favorite teacher, personality, hobbies).  

3- Working your with partner, take turns asking and answering the same questions from activity 1, but answer using the information you came up with for your character. 

4-   Information on the 4A speaking assessment: Students will come into the hall with a partner (sorry! - these will be based on last name and not chosen by students themselves). In the hallway you will recieve a sheet similar to the one we just used in the previous activity. You will need to take turns asking and answering questions. Each person will receive a separate speaking grade using this rubric.

Tarea:  Continue working on interrogative questions Showbie assignment and 4A crossword puzzle (due tomorrow)



Objectivo: Complete interrogative speaking assessment + begin Latino América culture projects

Today we will being speaking assessments. As you wait for your turn, please complete p. 70 in the 4A packet and study the preguntas de repaso with a partner. 



Objectivo: Continue interrogative speaking assessment + begin Latino América culture projects

Today's class will be dedicated to continuing the 4A speaking exam which we began yesterday. While you wait for your turn, please begin the Latin America geography project, which has both an English writing part and a mini-slideshow part. Full directions for the geography project can be found HERE. The Keynote aspect of this project will be due on Tuesday of next week (May 12) and all students will share with the class for an additional ten points. 

The written portion of the assignment will be due on Wednesday (May 13) and will be worth 40 points with the written report and mini-slideshow. All things together, this assignment is worth 60 points. 





Objectivo:  learn about Cinco de Mayo + complete a vareity of communication exercises relating to recycling

1- Lee el artículo del 'HistoryChannel' sobre el cinco de mayo  + ver el video

2- Trabaja con EL PINGÜINO. Haz actividad 18 en la página 264. Sólo necesitas hablar, no escribir.

3- Repasar juntos  (Review together)

4- Repasar los conjugaciónes de 'decir' en el presente, y también el vocabulario de reciclaje de la hoja verde con EL PINGÜINO. Después, hacer actividad 15 en la página 262. Sólo necesitas hablar, no escribir. (Los conjugaciónes de 'decir' están en el presente).

5- Hacer actividad 23 en la página 267. Escribe las respuestas.   (Note:  el anciano = elderly person)

6- Repasar como clase

7- Here are some of the logistics for Thursday's performance assessment:

- worth 50 points

- if missed, must be made up during one of the following dates/times:
            - Monday, May 12  -   lunch OR after school
            - Tuesday, May 13  -   lunch OR after school
            - Thursday, May 15 -  lunch

- there will be five stations to pass through:  information booth, ticketing, flight attendant (on plane), customs and lost luggage.

Review full assessment description HERE

Tarea:  Study the questions and answers associated with Thursday's performance assessment (worth 50 points) 



Objectivo: complete ¡Adelante! reading on p. 272 and discuss logistics for Thursday's performance exam

1- Preguntas de Repaso

2- Trabaja con LA TORTUGA. Repasar la lista de vocabulario en la página 278.  (you will not be tested on this vocabulary unless it is also on the green vocab sheet, but it is still good to know and may show up in future chapters)

vocabulario importante:

los demás           =  others
la gente              =  people
los niños             =  children
pobre                  =   poor
a menudo           = often
decidir                 = to decide
la experiencia    =  experience
hay que               = one must....
increíble             =  incredible
inolvidable        =   unforgettable
otra vez             =   again

3- Lee la lectura (the reading) ¡Adelante! en la página 272. Después, responde a las preguntas en español.  Sólo hablar, no escribir.

4- Repasar las respuestas como clase.

5- Con tu compañero, pratica las preguntas y respuestas del examen  (aquí)   



Objectivo: prepare for tomorrow's airport performance assessment

1- Discuss arrangement of room, order of steps and process smooth completion of activity in one 50-minute class period.

2- Work with LA VACA.  Practice asking questions and answers. After reading through the script once as the question-asker and once as the question-answerer, try it again without the script. If you find this very difficult, you have a lot of studying to do tonight!  Use the entire period and practice this language as many times as possible.



Objectivo: complete airport performance assessment

Your objective is to recieve a stamp from each of the five stations. You only receive a stamp once you have sucessfully completed all of the language requirements for each station (i.e. there are no partial stamps).

la recepción:  (you ask where you can buy tickets and check your luggage)

el agente:  (you ask how much a ticket to Madrid costs and how long the trip lasts)

la azafata:    (you ask about electronics rules and politely request a beverage)

agente de aduana:  (you answer questions about your nationality, how long you're going to be in the country and where you are going to visit)

agente de equipaje:  (you explain that your luggage hasn't arrived yet and the specific types of suitcases you have)

Please do not leave class without turning in your passport with your name written on it! Failure to write your name on your passport will require you to redo the entire exercise during one of the make-up dates next week.



Objectivo: Begin culture investigations projects (to be shared on Tuesday, May 13th)

(Review 8B vocab quiz from last Friday)

Read project description here.  This project will be worth a total of 50 points  (40 for the 250-300 word written report in English, and 10 for the slideshow)

Tarea:  Work on reports and slideshows as desired. You will have all of today and Monday's classes to work, and whatever you don't get done in class will need to be done at home. Be ready to turn in your written report and present your one-minute slideshow on Tuesday and Wednesdays (all students will share their slideshows!)

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