Sunday, March 2, 2014

Semana de 3-7 de marzo

SPANISH 1 - Selena

 This week we'll be watching a movie  (película en español) called Selena. The film stars Jennifer Lopez and tells the true story of Selena Quintanilla, a Texas-born singer who died before her time and remains one of the most beloved and best-selling artists in the Americas.

Please work in groups and read the following article from a 1995 edition of People magazine out loud. Take turns reading paragraph by paragraph.

(If the above link doesn't work, try here). 

Next, let's review the standards stamp sheet for this week's movie. You will be assessed on your ability to perform each standard and the stamp sheet will be collected for a grade at the end of the week. The paper stamp sheet will be collected!

Each day be prepared to work with your group at the beginning of class to review your progress on your stamp sheet and discuss questions relating to the film.

At the end of the week we'll be completing mini-research projects on Selena and sharing them with our group members, as well as taking a quiz on the film. 

Selena Mini-Projects

Choose ONE of the two options below and create a presentation using Keynote, Prezi or Haiku Deck:

1)  Research one of the following musical genres, all of which are popular in different Spanish-speaking cultures:

* Tejano  aka "Tex-Mex" (Selena is still often referred to as "the queen of Tejano music")
* Cumbia
* Salsa
* Tango
* Norteño
* other genre within a Spanish-speaking culture 

For the genre you choose, discuss the following:

- Country or countries of origin
- Musical instruments typical to the genre
- At least two bands (present or past) who are good examples of the genre
- At least one "fun fact" about the genre or a performer within the genre
- Include a few pictures to spice up your presentation!



2) Complete Spanish-language personality profiles for the following characters from the Selena movie:

- Selena
- Abraham
- Chris
- Marcela (la madre de Selena)

Include at least three different personality traits for each of these characters, IN SPANISH, using to look up new words. Also use one personality trait that each character is NOT. 

Use the él/ella/Ud. form of the verb ser to write your sentences.


El profesor es amable, inteligente y extrovertido. No es antipático. 


This projects will be shared with your equipo and possibly with the whole class!

Preguntas en español

1. ¿Cómo es  [personaje]?          (What is [character] like?)

    Es (muy) ______ y ______.     (He/she is ______ and ________). 

2. Cómo se llama el padre / la madre / la hermana de Selena?

     Él / ella se llama ....             (His/her name is ____________).

3. ¿De dónde es Selena?          (Where is Selena from?)

    Es de....                                     (She's from....) 

4. ¿Te gusta la película?  ¿Porqué o porqué no? 

A mí me gusta / no me gusta la película porque....     (I like / don't like the movie because...) 

5. ¿Qué le gusta hacer [personaje]?       (What does [character] like to do?)

    Le gusta....                                                 (He/she likes to.... )

 SPANISH 2 - La Misma Luna

Esta semana vamos a ver una película que se llama La Misma Luna. La película se trata de (deals with) un chico, Carlitos, que vive en México y está separado de su madre, Rosario, que vive en Los Angeles. Él sale en un viaje grande para buscar su madre en "el otro lado" de la frontera (on the other side of the border).

The standards for this week's movie and associated project can be found here.  The paper copy of your stamp sheet will be turned in at the end of the week, so please don't lose it!  Note that some of the standards require you to take notes on the film, and to write down at least three specific Spanish quotes that reveal the motivations or personalities of major characters.

The main focus of this project is to be able to analyze and discuss the characters  (personajes en español) and the plot in Spanish, as well as discuss the feelings and motivations of individual characters. We will also be considering differing perspectives between the United States and Mexico and individuals in each country view outsiders and themselves, as well as the effect of immigration policies in the lives of individuals and families. The purpose of the film is not to make any particular point about immigration policy, but rather to explore the various personal impacts that immigration laws have in the lives of many thousands of people in the United States.

Before watching the movie, consider the following question and discuss it with your group:

What would you do if you had a child and could only support him/her by working in a foreign country. Would you do it? Why or why not?

Each day be prepared to work with your group at the beginning of class to review your progress on your stamp sheet and discuss questions relating to the film.

We will be taking a quiz and completing mini-character profiles during the second half of the week after we finish watching the film.

La Misma Luna Mini-Projects

Choose ONE of the two options below and create a presentation using Keynote, Prezi or Haiku Deck (or a piece of paper):

1)  Create a dialogue between at least two characters from La Misma Luna. The scene should take place after the film ends (the same day, a year later, etc.) and should be based in part on what we know about the characters. Consider the following questions:

- Do Rosario and Carlitos decide to stay in the United States? Why or why not?

- Do Rosario and Paco end up getting married after all? Why or why not?

- What happens to Enrique?

- What does Alicia (Rosario's friend) do?

Your written dialogue should have at least ten lines and be accompanied by some sort of visual aide.

2) Research the current state of immigration in the United States. There has been a big push within the last year to reform immigration laws and create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who are already in the country. Consider the following options:

- Create a report using some current statistics relating to illegal immigration in the U.S. (cite your sources!)

- State your opinion as to what the best option for immigration reform is and the details of your solution

- Quote current political leaders on the topic of illegal immigration

- If you take a stance, what would someone on the other side of the argument probably say? How would you refute him or her?

This research project should be short and concise! You do not need to write an essay, but simply share some important statistics, quotes and opinions relating to the topic of illegal immigration in the United States.

This projects will be shared with your equipo and possibly with the whole class! 

Preguntas en español

1. ¿De qué se trata la película?   (What is the movie about?)

La película se trata de....          (The movie is about...) 

2. ¿Cómo es [personaje]....?         (What is [character] like...?)

[Personaje] es _____ y _____.  ([Character] is _____ and ______). 

3. ¿Te gusta la película?  ¿Porqué o porqué no? 

4. ¿Cuales son dos de las entrecomillas que tú encontraste? (What are two of the quotes that you found)?

Encontré estos dos entrecomillas...   (I found these two quotes)

5. ¿Para ti, qué significan las entrecomillas que encontraste? ¿Qué nos cuenta de los personajes?   (For you, what do these quotes mean? What do they tell us about the characters?) 

Para mi las entrecomillas significan....  (For me the quotes mean...)

Nos cuenta que .... (They tell us that....) 

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