Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week of Oct. 28 - Nov. 1

Forget Halloween, as this week will see SHS celebrating Mexico's Día de los muertos in a variety of exciting ways. Students are encouraged to attend the festivities in the SHS commons on Friday, Nov. 1 and take part in this colorful and heartfelt cultural experience!

Spanish 1

Monday - objective:  Finsih 1A test + discuss Día de los muertos


1- Students given 15 minutes to complete 1A test, started during Friday's shortened class session

2- Watch Día de los muertos video, answer questions below 

1) What is the overall emotional mood of Día de los Muertos?

2) On which two days of the year is Día de los Muertos celebrated, and what the different characteristics of each day?

3) During Día de los Muertos, it is common to make __________________ to the dead.

4) What is goyeté?

5) Día de los Muertos represents a combination of which cultural influences? 

3 - Look at National Geographic Día de los muertos photos and read captions. Write down five things you learned. 

Homework: none 


Tuesday - objective:  Students work in groups to create + post Día de los muertos info posters

Classwork:  Students work in groups to create posters for Friday's Día de los muertos celebration in the SHS commons and then post them around the school

Homework: none 


Wednesday - objective:  Study Día de los muertos vocabulary + Use three-way vocabulary sheets to review learned vocabulary


1- Read through Nat Geo article (linked above under Monday) and study vocabulary below: 


Part of Speech

people and culture native to Mexico and Central America.

a Christian religion whose adherents are loyal to the Roman Catholic Church and the leader of that church, the Pope.

Spanish explorer or conqueror of Latin America in the 16th century.

Dia de los Muertos

(Day of the dead)
(Day of the Dead) holiday honoring deceased family and friends, celebrated on November 1 and November 2 in Mexico and throughout Latin America.

día festivo
period of celebration or honor.

native to or characteristic of a specific place.

Latino América
(Latin America)
South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Mexico.

(to start)
to initiate or begin. 

series of customs or procedures for a ceremony, often religious.

a gift made to a deceased loved on on Día de los muertos.

the skeleton of a person or animal's head

2- Complete día de los muertos three-way vocab exercise    (paper copies in A-103)

Homework:  Para Empezar review three-way vocabulary exercise- due Friday (ten points)


Thursday - objective:  complete weather-related project 

Classwork:   (paper copy in A-103) 

Homework: Para Empezar review three-way vocabulary exercise- due Friday (ten points)


Friday - objective:  Complete cultural projects relating to Día de los muertos 

Classwork:   (details to be posted on class date) 


Spanish 2

Monday - objective:  Differentiate between ser/estar when describing people


1- After going over PowerPoint (request by email),complete using ser / estar to talk about people warm up 

  1. ¿Eres /Estás contenta?
  2. Es /Está español.
  3. Son / Están católicos.
  4. Madrid es / está en el centro de España.
  5. Carlos es / está inteligente.
  6. Soy / Estoy enfermo.
  7. Mi amigo es / está muy enfadado.
  8. Mi hermano es / está muy perezoso.
  9. Al oeste de España es /está Portugal.
  10. Son / Están franceses.

2- Review prepositions (below) and complete act. 22, p. 79

            delante de                    -       in front of
            al lado de                       -             next to
            a la derecha de              -             to the right of
            a la izquierda de            -             to the left of
            detrás de                       -             behind
            por el otro lado de         -             across from 

3- act. 23, p. 79   

Homework: 5B practice test due tomorrow  (paper copies in A-103 or available by email)


Tuesday - objective:  Review for exam tomorrow  (focus on ser/estar and all taught vocabulary)


1- Watch episode 2 of Mi vida loca, complete associated exercises

Homework: Restaurant review paragraph from p. 180 in packet due Thursday at beginning of class. Four sentences minimum. 


Wednesday - objective:  Take 5B exam

5B exam taken during class. 

Homework:Restaurant review paragraph from p. 180 in packet due Thursday at beginning of class. Four sentences minimum. 


Thursday - objective:  Discuss Día de los muertos and create papel picado + flores for celebration + post decorations around school


1- Watch Día de losmuertos video in Spanish + complete exercise below: 

1) El dos de noviembre en mexíco la gente (the people) celebra el ____________________________.

2) Para los mexicanos, el nacer (to be born), vivir y morir (to die) es una parte muy ____________ de la vida.

3) Hay _______________________ en la forma de calaveras también.

4) La gente compra muchas ___________________ para decorar las casas y el cemetario.

5) En las casas, la gente hace ____________________________ (offerings). Ésta es una ofrenda con flores, frutas, velas (candles), fotos y papel picado.

6) Todos van al cemetario para limpiar y decorar las tumbas (the graves) de sus ______________________  (relatives).

2 - Watch videos on making papel picado and flores for Día de los muertos. Create + decorate school. 

Homework: none 


Friday - objective:  Discuss Día de los muertos and complete reading exercise


1- Watch Día de los muertos DVD  (rented DVD, cannot be made up) 

2- Read lectura on p. 84 + answer ¿comprendes? Qs 

3- Reread and complete p. 179 in packet

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