Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week of Jan. 6-10







Objective: review and expand upon classroom objects vocabulary and use it to discuss how many of a given object are in a classroom

¡OYE! - If you still need to take the 2A test, make sure you schedule an appointment to do so before leaving class today.

1- Working with Partner B (and without opening the book!), brainstorm as many classroom items as you can think of. Everyone should be able to get somewhere between 10 and 20.

2- One row of students is chosen to share some classroom items aloud. These objects will be used with our target language for today:

¿Cuántos carteles hay en la sala de clases?               Hay un cartel en la sala de clases.

¿Cuántas computadoras hay en la sala de clase?     Hay una computadora en la sala de clases.

Note:  Remember to change cuántos to cuántas when asking about an object that is feminine (la bandera, la puerta, etc).  Also remember to change un to una when describing a feminine object.

3- Working with Partner B, read through the caption on the bottom of p. 118. Next, ask and answer questions like the ones above using the pictures on p. 118 and 119. Each person should ask and answer at least six different questions.

4- Complete listening act. 1 and listening act. 2 on p. 119

5- Using a notebook or iPad, complete a roaming survey of our classroom. Write down as many true sentences as possible about the items in our classroom and how many of each there are. YOU MUST WRITE AT LEAST SIX COMPLETE SENTENCES. You may use previously learned vocabulary (below) in your survey as well.

(previously learned vocabulary) 

una mochila                -  a backpack
los lápices                   -  pencils     (el lápiz - the pencil)
un pupitre                   -  a student desk
un bolígrafo                -  a pen
el diccionario              -  the dictionary
la calculadora             -  the calculator
una regla                     -  a ruler
las tijeras                    -  scissors
la carpeta de argollas -  three-ring binder
el pegamento             -  glue
la cinta adhesiva         -  (sticky) tape
una tableta                 -  a tablet (iPad)
un cuaderno                -  a notebook
una carpeta                 -  a folder
un sacapuntas             -  a pencil sharpener
un libro                        -  a book
gafas protectoras       -  protective glasses (goggles)

6- Working in equipos, read all of your sentences aloud. A few students will be randomly selected to share their sentences with the class.

Homework:  Use 2B vocabulary to write five complete sentences about objects that you have in your house. Use tengo (I have) or no tengo (I don't have).   Note:  casa  =   house

            1. Tengo dos computadoras en mi casa.

            2. No tengo una bandera en mi casa.



Objective: use classroom vocabulary and prepositions to discuss classrooms and Videohistoria

1- Review 2A test as a class

2- Working with Partner A, complete the interactive labeling activity here

3- When finished, take turns reading the sentences under the picture on p. 119. Each sentence contains a preposition.

In English, words like under, on top of, next to, behind, in front of are prepositions, which indicate the location of objects. Prepositions answer the question "Where?," or in Spanish, "Dónde?"  Using the picture, see if you can correct guess the meaning of each preposition.

4- Review answers as a class and review prepositions vocabulary  (to indicate location on vocab sheet)

5- Watch Videohistoria

6- Work with Partner A and complete act. 3 and act. 4 on p. 123. Write answers in notebook or using notability. For act. 3, rewrite sentence using the correct subject at the beginning of the sentence.

Homework:  Add on to yesterday's homework, writing a second sentence for each item that indicates its location. Remember to use estar in addition to the correct prepositions for each item. Obviously, you will not be able to indicate the location of items that you do no have in your house.

            1. Tengo dos computadoras en mi casa. Están encima de mi escritorio.

            2. No tengo una bandera en mi casa.   [no preposition possible]



Objective: Use plurals articles (los / las) and prepositions to describe where objects are located

1- Receive 2B packet, work on last page (plurals, p. 79). Focus on how to make objects plural in Spanish (add -s or -es), definite articles (los / las), and indefinite articles (unos / unas). You may work with Partner A.

2- Focus on target language for today:  

¿Dónde están los libros?                                

Los libros están encima del escritorio.     


¿Dónde están las banderas?

Las banderas están en la pared.


¿Dónde está la tele?

La tele está a la derecha de la bandera de los estados unidos.

There are a few things we need to notice about these questions and answers: 

* that the definite articles los and las are used in the question with dónde, not unos or unas

* that prepositions containing de (encima de, al lado de, a la derecha de, a la izquierda de, etc.) are written as "de la" in front of feminine nouns, but are written as del in front of masculine nouns. 

* that when the location of one object is being described with use está, but when the location of two or more objects is being described we use están

DEL   =   de + el 

El lápiz está encima de la mesa.       (la mesa = feminine)

El lápiz esta encima del pupitre.      (el pupitre = masculine) 

3- Complete act. 7 on p. 125 as a speaking exercise. 

Homework: p. 42 and p. 43 in 2B packet   [10 points}


Objective: Use 2B vocabulary and prepositions to describe where objects are located

1- Review all 2B vocabulary as a class.  Using act. 7 on p. 125, play a guessing game in which one person states the location of an object and the other person guesses the object. Use the language below as a model. 

Está al lado de la silla.                         ¿Es la mochila? 
It's next to the chair.                             Is it the backpack? 

Está a la derecha del escritorio.         ¿Es la mesa? 
It's to the right of the desk.                   Is it the table? 

2- Work with Partner B, talk through act. 5 on p. 124. Review as class

3- Work with Partner B, write the correct answers for act. 10 on p. 49 of 2B packet *  
(not done in class)

4-  Work with Partner B and choose five classroom items to place on your desk. Arrange the items in a random order. Turning your back to your partner, take turns asking and answering questions about where the items are located and draw a picture based on your partner's answers. At the end of the activity you will compare your picture with the arrangement on your partner's desk.       (follow act. 9 on p. 126 as a model)

Homework: p. 45 in 2B packet   [10 points]


Objective: Complete project describing the location of items 

1- Review rules for describing the location of objects:

   a.  choose el / la  or  los  /   las 

   b.  choose the correct form of the verb estar   (está  /   están)

   c.  combine de + el to create 'del' when necessary   (encima del pupitre)

2- Complete listening activity 5 on p. 41 of 2B packet (front page) 

3- Use the remainder of the class to work on poster project. Your poster must include: 

-  A picture with at least five different nouns (items, places, animals, people, etc.) 

    (unos monos, un escritorio, cuatro bicicletas, una escuela y una isla) 

-  A written sentence to describe the location of each object in relationship to another object (at least four using different prepositions) 

(Los monos están encima de las bicicletas. Las bicicletas están encima del escritorio. El escritorio está en la escuela. La escuela está en una isla)

Be prepared to share your poster with your equipo at the end of class!





Objective: refresh present progressive tense (estar +   -ando / -iendo) and use to discuss different situations

¡OYE! - If you still need to take the 6B test, make sure you schedule an appointment to do so before leaving class today.

1- Check in with Partner B. Thinking back to chapter 6B, translate the following sentences below into Spanish:

The woman is cutting the grass.
The man is washing the car.
The boy is taking out the trash.
The girl is making the bed.

2- Review correct answers as a class. Remember that estar +  -ando  /  -iendo is the equivalent of be + -ing in English.

La chica está limpiando el baño.                           The girl is cleaning the bathroom.

Estoy quitando el polvo.                                         I am dusting.

Make sure to remember the difference between the general present tense (something that someone does in general) and the present progressive tense (something that someone is doing right now).

Present Tense                                     

Jessica swims in the pool.    (in general)                                                                                    

Jessica nada en la piscina.   (en general)         

 Present Progressive Tense

Jessica is swimming in the pool.     (now)   

Jessica está nadando en la piscina (ahora)                                                                                 

NOTE: Make sure not to forget the verb estar when using the present progressive tense!

3- Check in with your partner. Describe how the present progressive tense is different than the general present tense. Next, each person must come up with three true Spanish statements about things that are happening in the classroom right now.


Sr. Kargol está hablando a un estudiante.

4- Read through examplesentences as a class. Working with partner, take turns reading through sentences one more time (alternate one sentence per person per turn).

5- Work with partner + complete verdad o falso activity below. The objective of the actvitity is the state whether each sentence accurately describes the picture shown. If it does, your partner will say "verdad." If it doesn't, your partner will say "falso" and then restate the sentence correctly.

for example:


6- With remaining time, play Square Off game as a class. One point is given for selecting the correct picture to match the verb, and another point is given for creating a correct sentence to describe the picture.

Homework:  For each item below, create a complete sentence in the present progressive tense.

            1.  él        /  lavar los platos
            2.  yo      /   nadar
            3.  ellos  /   escuchar música
            4.       /  estudiar
            5.  nosotros  /  pasar la aspiradora


Objective: Introduce clothing vocabulary and use to describe preferences

1- Review 6B exam as a class   (approx. 10 minutes)

2- Work with Partner A, take turns reading through 7A clothing vocabulary PowerPoint

3- Review vocab as whole class

4- Focus on verb preferir (to prefer) and conjugations:

Work with partner + ask questions using the example language below:

¿Qué prefieres, las sudaderas o los suéteres?                                    Yo prefiero las sudaderas.

You may also use color vocabulary in your questions:

¿Qué prefieres, las camisetas grises o las camisetas verdes?        Prefiero las camisetas grises.

5- Working with partner, read through all vocab words on p. 156 and short dialogue on p. 156-157

6- Complete listening act. 1, p. 157. Point to the picture of each clothing item as you hear it.

Homework:  Write five true sentences using positive and negetive forms of preferir.


            1. Mi madre prefiere las faldas. No prefiere los jeans.

            2. Yo prefiero los pantalones. No prefiero los pantalones cortos.



Objective: preview 7A vocabulary in context by watching and analyzing Videohistoria

1- Read through 7A vocabulary as a group

2- Working in equipos, read through the Videohistoria script on p. 159 and 160. Take turns reading within your group, alternating readers after each time the speaker in the text changes. Make notes of new/unfamiliar words as you read. As a group, look up new/unfamiliar words using the vocab list.

3- Watch Videohistoria

4- Working in equipos, complete act. 3, act. 4 and act. 5 on p. 161. Write your answers in your notebook or in notability. (For act. 5, you may write short answers instead of complete sentences).

5- Review answers as a class

Homework: p. 121 in 7A packet  


Objective:  use pensar and querer to discuss plans and desires relating to clothing

1- Focus on the verb pensar. Note that pensar means "to think," but when it's used before another verb is means "to plan to."   For example:

Pienso ir a la fiesta.                            I plan on going to the party.

Ella piensa asistir la clase de inglés.   She plans on attending English class.

Pensamos visitar España.                   We plan to visit Spain.

Pienso llevar un impermeable.          I plan on wearing a raincoat.

NOTE:  All three stem-changing verbs from today's lesson (querer, pensar, preferir) can be immediately followed by another verb. This second verb will always be in the infinitive form. The verb pensar, when not followed by a second verb, simply means "to think." When followed by a second verb, it means "to plan to" (do whatever the second verb indicates). 

2 - Working with Partner A, read Gramática bo on p. 168. Then work together on completing act. 17 on p. 168. Complete #5 with a personal response. You may talk through this activity.

3- Complete listening act. 7 from front page of 7A packet

4- Imagine you just won $500 from a random drawing. ¿A qué tiendas piensas ir? ¿Qué quieres comprar? 

(write five sentences)


Pienso ir a REI. Quiero comprar una chaqueta nueva.

Pienso ir a Men's Wearhouse. Quiero comprar un traje.

Note: If you want to buy something for someone else you will use para in your sentence.

Quiero comprar una tableta para mi hermana.

5- Create a simple chart like the one below. Talk to three different people, asking the questions from above and filling in the correct information. Remember to change the verb forms from the yo form to the él / ella / Ud. form.

Piensa ir a...
Quiere comprar...
unos zapatos nuevos
un vestido rosado

Homework: p. 125 in 7A packet 


Objective: Discuss how much clothing items cost and create a shopping plan for a trip

* review 7A vocab .PPT and last night's homework *

For today's class we'll be working on a poster project. You must:

1) Choose a destination for your trip  (think big!)      (pienso ir....)

2) Write at least four specific activities you plan to do while on your trip (pienso...), preferences for your trip (prefiero...) and things you want to do on your trip (quiero...)

3) Write at least five specific clothing items you need to buy for your trip  (busco...)

4) indicate a maximum price for a few of your items  (busco un abrigo grande que cuesta menos que $100   -   o  -  busco un abrigo grande que no cuesta más que $100)

You will be asked to share your finished poster with your equipo, and you may also be randomly selected to share it will the entire class. 

Your finished poster will count as a quiz grade! 

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