Saturday, February 1, 2014

Semana de 3-7 de febrero



3A Vocab Sheet

3A Packet and Unit Plan

3A Quizlet Flashcards


Book Objectives:

- learn vocabulary associated with food and beverages
- ask and answer questions relating to meals (comidas)
- learn present tense conjugations of -er and -ir verbs
- use gustar (to like) and encantar (to love) in relationship to food
- ask and answer interogative questions using ¿qué?  (what?), ¿quién?
  (who?), ¿cuándo? (when?) and ¿cuántos? / ¿cuántas?  (how many?)
- discuss cultural practices relating to food in Mexico and South American

Additional Objectives:

- discuss costs relating to food (¿cuánto cuesta/n?)
- refresh me, te and le when discussing likes in yo, tú, él/ella/Ud.
- refresh prepositions and use to describe locations of food in a
  refrigerator or a supermarket (supermercado)
- refresh emotions vocabulary in conjunction with estar + food vocab

Additional Vocabulary:

normalmente                      -           normally
la bebida                               -           beverage / drink
la carne                                 -           meat
los dulces                              -           candy
el helado                               -           ice cream
la sal                                      -           salt
la pimienta                           -           pepper

desayunar                            -           to eat breakfast
almorzar*  (o-ue)                -           to eat lunch     (yo almuerzo, tú almuerzas) 
cenar                                     -           to eat dinner


Objective:  Review 2B chapter test and review feelings vocabulary with estar


1- ¡ iBienvenidos al segundo semestre! Algunos anuncios importantes:

- Homework is due each Friday. If you're not here when homework is collected, you need to turn it in to Sr. Kargol the day you return to class (the same day you show Sr. Kargol your yellow re-admit slip). Too many people are turning in homework packets late and expecting them to get graded. This is not fair to students who complete and turn in homework on time. You will receive a zero on homework if you don't turn it in as soon as you return to class.

- Test and quiz make up days for Semester 2 are the following:

            - Mondays   (during lunch and after school)
            - Tuesday     (during lunch only)
            - Thursdays  (after school only)

Remember that you can also make up tests and quizzes in the testing lab on Wednesdays after school. However, since listening exams don't lend themselves well to this set up, it might make more sense to make up tests for other classes in the testing lab. SHS school policy on make up tests will be strictly enforced, and students who take tests late will be docked 10% for each day he or she waits to make up the test beyond the allowed limit.

2- Read the below refresher on estar and fellings vocab with your Compañero A: 
Remember that estar can be used both to describe where people are located, where items are located, and also how people are feeling.

¿Dónde está tu hermano?                         Él está en la sala de matemáticas.

¿Dónde están los lápices?                          Los lápices están en mi mochila.

¿Cómo estás?                                               Estoy triste  (sad).

¿Cómo están Ustedes?                                Estamos muy bien.

We can remember these two functions of estar with the following jingle:

For how you feel and where you are
you always use the verb estar ..  


estar bien                       -     to be well
estar regular                  -     to be so-so
estar mal                        -      to be doing poorly
estar contento/a           -     to be happy / content
estar triste                      -     to be sad
estar enojado/a             -     to be angry
estar cansado/a             -     to be tired
estar emocionado/a     -     to be excited
estar aburrido/a            -     to be bored

Note:   When using a feelings adjective to describe how a group of people are doing, we often need to add an -s or -es to the end of the adjective.

Estamos muy cansados.          Ellos están aburridos.         Ustedes están tristes.

We do not need to follow this rule when using the words bien and mal.  

Estamos muy bien.                   Ellos están mal.                    Ustedes están bien.

3- Using first five slides from PowerPoint, questions about how each person or group of people are feeling, and then write answers

4- Working with your Compañero A, take turns asking and answering questions for each remaining slide.

5- Review and discuss 2B chapter test as a group

Tarea:  Study 3A vocabulary using Quizlet flashcards linked AQUÍ and at the top of the page. Flip through ALL vocabulary at least two times in Spanish and English.



Objective: Use 3A vocabulary to discuss likes and dislikes relating to food and beverages

1- Stand and review 3A vocab .PPT as a group

2- Juego: ¡Dibujar el vocabulario nuevo!

3-  As a class, read aloud the gramática box on p. 164

4- Read through the questions below and Spanish translations. Write your own answers to each question (your answers should be true for you). Remember to write an 'n' when saying that you like or dislike something plural  (me gustan los plátanos, no me gustan las papas fritas)

Do you like yogurt?                                  Yes, I like yogurt.

Do you like hamburgers?                       Yes, I like hamburgers. 

Do you like breakfast?                            Yes, I love breakfast.

Do you like apples?                                  No, I don't like apples.

Do you like  eggs and bacon?               I love eggs but I don't like bacon.

¿Te gusta el yogur?                                  Sí, me gusta el yogur.

¿Te gustan las hamburguesas?             Sí, me gustan las hamburguesas.

¿Te gusta el desayuno?                          Sí, me encanta el desayuno.

¿Te gustan las manzanas?                     No, no me gustan las manzanas.

¿Te gustan los huevos y el tocino?     Me encantan los huevos pero no me                                                                                    
                                                                   gusta el tocino.

5- Following activity 23 on p. 164, write  NO  ME GUSTA N and cut/rip each section into its own piece. Work with you equipo, and ask/answer five questions each using different food/beverage vocab from the list. Each person must answer each question and match their written words to their spoken answer.

6- Complete full class rotating discussion task using PowerPoint and today's target language

Tarea: Work on 3-way vocabulary worksheet for 3A vocab (due Friday)



Objective: refresh verb tener and use to discuss how old you and other people are

1- As a class, review family vocabulary first studied in November

la madre                    -        the mother
el padre                     -        the father
el hermano                -        the brother
la hermana                -        the sister
el hijo                       -        the son
la hija                       -        the daughter
el primo                    -        the cousin (male)
la prima                     -        the cousin (female)
la tía                         -        the aunt
el tío                         -        the uncle
el abuelo                    -       the grandfather
la abuela                    -       the grandmother

mi                              -        my
tu                               -        your

mí                               -        me
tú                                -        you (informal)

2- In Spanish, you don't say how many years old you "are" like you do in English. Instead, you say how many years you HAVE, and you use the verb TENER (to have).

So far we've learned the first half of the conjugation chart for tener. Let's look at the rest of the chart just to see how the entire verb is conjugated in the present tense.

Yo Tengo                               Nosotros Tenemos
                                             Nosotras Tenemos

Tú Tienes                              Vosotros Tenéis
Él                                          Ellos
Ella Tiene                              Ellas  Tienen
Ud                                         Uds

In Spanish, we use tener + años (years) to say how old we are (literally, how many years we have):

Yo tengo catorce años.                   I'm fourteen years old.

Tú tienes veintidós años.               You're twenty two years old.

Ella tiene treinta años.                   She's thirty years old.

Mi madre tiene cuarenta años.       My mom is forty years old.

Mis abuelos tienen ochena años.    My grandparents are eighty years                                                           

3- Working independnetly for a few minutes, translate the following questions and answers into Spanish:

How old are you?                            I'm fifteen years old.

How old are you (formal)?              I'm sixty.

How old is your uncle?                   My uncle is forty five.

How old is your (female) cousin?    My (female) cousin is ten years old.

¿Cuántos años tienes?                     Tengo quince años.

¿Cuántos años tiene (Ud)?               Tengo sesenta años.

¿Cuántos años tiene tu tío?             Mi tío tiene diez años. 

¿Cuántos años tiene tu prima?         Mi prima tiene diez años. 

4- Working in equipos, take turns asking and answering questions about age. Start with asking how old each person in the group is, then ask about family members using the vocab list above.

¿Tienes un/una _________?           Sí, yo tengo un/una ______________.
                                                      No, no tengo un/una _____________.

¿Cuántos años tiene tu ________?  Mi _____________ tiene _________ años. 

Tarea:  Write five true statements about how old you and four members or friends are. Write out all numbers as Spanish words. Follow the model below as a guide:

Mi tía Mary tiene treinta y nueve años.

Mi amigo Jim tiene dieciséis años.
(due Friday)



Objective: use 3A vocabulary to view and analyze Videohistoria

1- Stand and review 3A vocabulary as a group

2- Open books to p. 148 and 149. With your Compañero B, take turns asking questions using prepositions and estar to ask where the different food items in the pictures are.

¿Dónde está el tocino?              

El tocino está arriba del yogur de fresa.

¿Dónde están los perritos calientes?

Los perritos calientes están a la izquierda de los jugos.


a la derecha de       -           to the right of
a la izquierda de     -           to the left of
debajo de                 -           underneath
arriba de                   -           above
cerca  de                   -           close to
lejos de                     -           far from

entre                          -           between

3- Read entire script of Videohistoria aloud with your Compañero B. Make notes on new or unfamiliar words and be ready to share words you looked up with the class.

4- Watch Videohistoria

5- Working with Compañero B, talk through activities 4 and 5 on p. 153. Take turns reading each item aloud and then answer each question.

6- Briefly highlight DuoLingo app

Tarea:  Study for 30 Point Socrative quiz tomorrow (on 3A vocab) and complete 3-way vocab activity (due tomorrow)



Objective: Use 3A vocabulary to communicate about food/beverages and take Socrative quiz to demonstrate knowledge of vocab

*  *   pass up 3-way vocab sheets with five true statments using tener años  *  *

1- In your notebook or using your iPad, write down ten food or beverage words from this chapter that you might have trouble recalling on the quiz. Remember to include definite articles (el, la, los, las)

2- Work with your Compañero C and quiz him/her on the words. Keep track any words you miss and repeat the process again. Keep going until you get all items correct. If necessary, quiz your partner on the other words in on the vocab list.

3- Review vocab one more time as a class

4- Find pictures of five different food or beverage items from our current vocab list. Working in equipos, play rotating memory game.

Directions: The first person starts by showing a picture of a food item and saying either "me gusta/me gustan," "no me gusta/no me gustan," or "me encanta/me encantan" and the name of the food/beverage.

Me encantan las hamburguesas.   (I love hamburgers).

The second person must now repeat what the first person said, but change me to te.

Te encantan las hamburguesas.   (You love hamburgers).

After doing this, he/she must make a new statement. The third person must remember and restate the first two statments using te and then make a new statement. Etc.

The goal is to see how many times you can go around the circle without making a mistake. You must show the food/beverage in question as the turns rotate around.

5- Take Socrative quiz on 3A vocab

if time -- discuss must know questions and new procedure for starting class



7B Vocab Sheet

7B Vocab (Fotos)

7B Additional Vocab  (Fotos) 

7B Packet and Unit Plan 

7B Quizlet Flashcards


Book Objectives
- learn vocabulary associated with clothing accesories and gifts
- learn direct object pronouns (lo, la, los, las) + rules for conjugation
- learn preterite (past tense) of regular -ar verbs
- learn irregular preterite yo form of -car + -gar verbs
- learn past tense using hace + time expression  (hace dos semanas)

Additional Objectives:

- ería as an ending for store names  (panadería, zapatería, heladería)
- ­learn -zar verbs irregular preterite yo form in addition to -car + -gar
- learn reflexive verbs and basic conjugations
- refresh -ísimo/a to discuss extremes    
- refresh con / sin and learn conmigo (with me) / contigo (with you)
- discuss clothing and accessories in Guatemala and Ecuador 

Additional Vocabulary (must know in addition to 7B vocab list)

la bufanda                            - scarf
la botella de agua               - water bottle
la tarjeta regalo                 - gift card
la caja de chocolates         - box of chocolates
la tarjeta de crédito          - credit card
el boleto de concierto       - concert ticket
el boleto de teatro             - theater ticket
una obra                               - a play
el maquillaje                        - makeup
el cinturón                            - belt
los mitónes                          - mitten
las sandalias                        - sandals
las chanclas                         - flip-flops
la gorrita                               - beanie 



Objective:  Review 7A chapter test and use prepositions and back-to-back verbs to discuss plans and preferences    (7th period: take written portion of midterm)


1- ¡ iBienvenidos al segundo semestre! Algunos anuncios importantes:

- Homework is due each Friday. If you're not here when homework is collected, you need to turn it in to Sr. Kargol the day you return to class (the same day you show Sr. Kargol your yellow re-admit slip). Too many people are turning in homework packets late and expecting them to get graded. This is not fair to students who complete and turn in homework on time. You will receive a zero on homework if you don't turn it in as soon as you return to class.

- Test and quiz make up days for Semester 2 are the following:

            - Mondays   (during lunch and after school)
            - Tuesday     (during lunch only)
            - Thursdays  (after school only)

Remember that you can also make up tests and quizzes in the testing lab on Wednesdays after school. However, since listening exams don't lend themselves well to this set up, it might make more sense to make up tests for other classes in the testing lab. SHS school policy on make up tests will be strictly enforced, and students who take tests late will be docked 10% for each day he or she waits to make up the test beyond the allowed limit.

2- Translate the following questions into Spanish, then take turns asking them to your B Partner.  Answers should make sense and be grammatically correct.

What do you plan to do in order to learn  (aprender) Spanish?

a. (At) what time do you want to go to the mall?

b. What do you plan to do with these dirty shoes?

c. When do you prefer to visit the clothing store?

d. What do you plan to do at four o'clock?

e. When do you want to be in/at the school?


para   -   in order to  (often used directly before an infinitive verb)

a          -    to (in the direction of a place)  or at (a specific time on the clock)

al         -   combination of a and el

en       -   in or at a place 

3- Review traslations and possible answers together

4- Create a few questions of your own using back-to-back verbs  (pensar, querer, preferir +  another verb).  In equipos, take turns asking and answers quetsions.

5- Review 6B exam as a class

Tarea:   no hay



Objective:  Introduce 7B vocabulary and use to discuss what you wear and when

1- Review vocabulary as a class using TPR motions

2- Target Language:

¿Qué llevas con un abrigo?

Llevo una bufanda y unos guantes con un abrigo.

¿Cuándo preferies llevar los aretes?

Prefiero llevar los aretes cuando llevo un vestido.

Siempre prefiero llevar los aretes.

Nunca llevo los aretes.

siempre         =          always

nunca             =          never

3- Escribe seis preguntas nuevas. Usa los modelos arriba.

4- Trabaja con tu equipo. Haz cada (each) pregunta a cada persona en el equipo.

5- Repasar como clase  (review as a class)

6- Juego: ¡Dibujar el vocabulario nuevo!

Tarea:  Complete 3-way vocab exercise  (due Friday)



Objective:  refresh affirmative tu commands and introduce 7B vocab in context through readings and Videohistoria

1-  Trabaja con tu Compañero A. Lee la caja acerca de (about) los mandatos affirmativos en la forma de tú. Traduzca (translate) los siguientes oraciones a español.

a.  Come here!                                        

b. Wash the windows!                        

c. Feed your cats!                                     

d. Get out!                                               

e. Do the chores!                                  

f. Put your backpack on the table!     

g. Be a better student!                          

2- Using TPR motions, run through 2B vocabulary as a group

3- Con tu Compañero A, lee acerca de la Videohistoria en la página 189 y 190. Lee en voz alta (out loud).

4- Ver la Videohistoria.  Después (after), trabaja con tu Compañero A y preguntale (ask him or her) las pretuntas de la actividad 5 en la página 191.

Tarea: study 7B vocabulary  and additional vocabulary (on back of 7B packet)



Objective: use the verb vender (to sell) to discuss where clothing items and accessories are sold

1- In Spanish, many types of stores end with the suffix -ería

            From Vocab List:

            la zapatería              -           shoe store
            la librería                  -           book store
            la joyería                  -           jewelry story   (la joya = jewel)

Using your knowledge of Spanish, can you guess what the following stores are?   

             la panadería           

             la carnicería       
            la heladería        
            la pastelería    
            la pescadería          

Occasionally, store names ending in -ería are a little harder to guess:

 la ferretería             -            hardware store  (tool  - la herramienta)
 la pulpería                -           corner store (Central America) 
                                                 (el pulpo  - octopus)

or do not end in -ería at all:

la tienda de descuentos                -  discount store
la tienda de electrodomésticos   -  household appliance store

2- Hacer la actividad 6 en la página 192 (escuchar). Escribe lo que escuchas (write what you hear). Repasar como clase  (review as a class).

3- Lee la caja de 'Fondo Cultural' en la página 192 y, después, habla con tu Compañero B de la actividad 7. Sigue (follow) el modelo.

4- Haz activity 9 en la página 193. Tienes que dibjuar un mapa de un centro comercial y, después, hablar de 1) dónde está cada (each) lugar (place), y 2) por qué quieres ir allí.  Sigue el modelo.

5- Review midterm scores and discuss midterm writing portion   

Tarea:  complete 3-way vocab worksheet and study ALL 7B vocab (including additional vocab on back of packet)  30-point vocab quiz tomorrow!



Objective:  review all 7B vocabulary and demonstrate knowledge through 7B vocab Socrative quiz

*  *  turn in 7B 3-way vocab assignment * *

1- Review all vocab as a class (including additional vocab)

2- Saque el mapa de ayer  (Take out the map from yesterday). Vamos a usar el mapa para practicar los oraciones por abajo.

¿Adónde quieres ir?

Quiero ir a la zapatería para comprar unas chanclas y unos tenís.

Nota:              para    -   in order to   (often used before an infinitve verb)
                        ¿adónde?  -   to where?

Habla con tu Compañero A. Preguntale por lo menos cinco preguntas.

3- Complete rotating partner activity using the following pattern:

¿Adónde vas?     
Voy al almacén.

¿Por qué vas al almacén?      

 (Voy al almacén) para comprar una corbata.

4- Play team drawing game  with 7B vocab

5- Take 7B Socrative quiz

Si hay tiempo libre: Focus on DuoLingo app for iPad

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