Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week of Jan. 13-17








Objective: use the verb estar (to be) to describe where objects are located and how people feel

1- With your B Partner, read the Gramática box on the top of p. 128, reading all of the conjugations in the yellow box as well as the ¿Recuerdas? box

2- Review together +  read through examples sentences in 2B vocab PowerPoint. Note that when describing where things are located, you will only need to use está (singular) and están (plural).

3- Talk through activity 11 and activity 12 on p. 128 with your B Partner

4 - Use the remainder of class to finish your poster project from Friday. During the last five minutes of class we will share our posters with our equipos.

Homework: p. 77 of 2B packet


Objective: continue using estar and feelings vocabulary to discuss emotional states

1- Note that estar can be used both to describe where people are located, where items are located, and also how people are feeling.

¿Dónde está tu hermano?                         Él está en la sala de matemáticas.

¿Dónde están los lápices?                          Los lápices están en mi mochila.

¿Cómo estás?                                               Estoy triste  (sad).

¿Cómo están Ustedes?                                Estamos muy bien.


estar bien                       -     to be well
estar regular                  -     to be so-so
estar mal                        -      to be doing poorly
estar contento/a           -     to be happy / content
estar triste                      -     to be sad
estar enojado/a             -     to be angry
estar cansado/a             -     to be tired
estar emocionado/a     -     to be excited
estar aburrido/a            -     to be bored

Note:   When using a feelings adjective to describe how a group of people are doing, we often need to add an -s or -es to the end of the adjective.

Estamos muy cansados.          Ellos están aburridos.         Ustedes están tristes.

We do not need to follow this rule when using the words bien and mal.  

Estamos muy bien.                   Ellos están mal.                    Ustedes están bien.

2- Complete rotating discussion task and using notes on feelings vocab, ask and answer questions using estar.

¿Cómo está ella?                 Ella está enojada.

¿Cómo están ellos?             Ellos están cansados.

3- Take a few minutes to draw simple faces expressing each of the feelings words above and cut them out with scissors. Do not make a card for bien. Label each face with the appropriate Spanish word. You should have eight cards.

4- Walk around the room asking and answering questions using the language below. Each time you use a card, put it in your pocket. Continue until you've talked with eight different people and used all your cards. Your answers to each quesiton will be based on the card you have chosen and your own facial expression reflection that feeling.

¡Hola!  ¿Estás contenta?                Sí, estoy contenta.
                                                            No, estoy triste.

5- Partner up A Partner + read through Exploración del lenguaje and Fondo cultural boxes on p. 127.   (not done) 

Homework: p. 78 of 2B packet


Objective: Use estar and prepositions to describe the location of objects

* Complete speaking activity from yesterday's class *  (5 minutes) 

1- Rompehielos:  Talk through activity 21 on p. 132 with Partner A, reading each line out loud and filling in the correct definite articles  (el, la, los, las)

2- Review prepositions as a class + focus on de la + del

3 - With Partner A, talk through activity 15 on p. 129

4- Complete listening activity 5 on the front of 2B packet  (p. 41)

5- Randomly arrange school supplies on your desk. Take turns making statements to your partner, who will have to respond cierto or falso. If a statement is false, your partner must make a correct statement.

Mi bolígrafo está a la izquierda de mi libro.                   Cierto.

Mis carpetas están al lado de mi tableta.                       Falso. Están debajo de tu tableta.

Homework: p. 46 in 2B packet  (10 points)


Objective: use estar and prepositions to describe the location of people and items

1- Answer some ¿Dónde está...? questions pertaining to different groups of people

2- Complete listening act. 16 on p. 130. Write answers in notebook or using iPad.

3- Work with C Partner (you may move one desk over if desired). Talk though activity 17 on p. 130 describing the locations of the people of the picture. Then complete activity 24 on p. 133 as a speaking exercise. Ask questions using ¿Dónde? and ¿Hay?  Use dónde to discuss location and hay to discuss quantity.

¿Dónde están las carpetas de argollas?                    Están a la izquierda de las calculadoras.

Hay cuatro carpetas de argollas?                              No. Hay dos.

4- Working independently, read Fondo cultural box at top of p. 134. Then complete activity 25 in your notebook or using your iPad.

5- Review answers as a class.

6- Complete folding-paper game by rows  (directions to be explained verbally)

Homework: p. 49 in 2B packet


Objective: use de to indicate possession and describe the location of objects belonging to different people

*  *  briefly review blog post with midterm information * * 

1- Discuss ways in which de can be used to indicate possession in Spanish  + read example sentences

La tele está encima del escritorio de Sr. Kargol.   (el escritorio de Sr. Kargol = Mr. Kargol's desk)

Los libros de Carlos están debajo de los gabinetes.              (Los libros de Carlos = Carlos's books)

Mi lápiz está en la mochila de Juanita.                     (la mochila de Juanita = Juanita's backpack)

2- Working with Partner A, talk through activity 26 on p. 135. Make sure to choose the correct definite article (el/la  or  los/las) and also to combine de + el to make del. 

¿Qué necesitas?                                                  (Yo) necesito la tableta de Miguel.

3- Review as a class

4- Get into equipos. Choose any two items or groups of items that you may have with you (mostly school items, but feel free to throw some other stuff in as well). Label your two items or groups of items with a post-it note and set up all the items in a random arrangement. Take turns making true statements about the items using BOTH preposition AND possessive phrases using de. You may not repeat the same statement twice, and the goal is not to be the first person who cannot think of a new statement to make. 

Los lápices de Maria están debajo del sacapuntas de Miguel.

La hoja de papel de Juan está a la izquierda del libro de Violeta. 

5- Look at homework packet as a class + turn in 

6- Take brief Socrative quiz focusing on all taught material from chapter 2B

if time : Talk through activity 28 on p. 136 as an independent writing activity





Objective: 1) Finish projects + share with equipos   2) use clothing vocabulary with verb llevar

1- Take 15 additional minutes to finish up poster project started during Friday's class. If finished early, use additional time to work on 7A packet and study vocab list.

2- Get into equipos, take turns reading each poster aloud to other group members. Each person should offer one piece of positive feedback and one piece of constructive feedback  (i.e. incorrect grammar, vocabulary, etc)

3- Complete rotating discussion activity focusing on questions with the verb llevar (to wear)

¿Qué ropa lleva el hombre?              El hombre lleva un abrigo negro y una camisa azul.

¿Qué ropa lleva la mujer?                 La mujer lleva una gorra y una chaqueta blanca y amarilla.
¿Qué ropa llevan los chicos?             Los chicos llevan unos sombreros y unas botas marrónes.

¿Qué ropa llevan las chicas?             Las chicas llevan unas faldas rosadas y unas blusas rojas.


la capucha     -    hood
la corbata      -    tie
rayado            -    striped
el jersey          -    jersey
los tenís          -    tennis shoes
escocés           -    plaid  (literally "Scotish"  -  escocía  = Scotland)

Homework:  p. 50 in 7A packet  (write three sentences minimum per picture)  - 10 pts.


Objective: use demonstrative adjectives (este/esta, estos/estas, ese/esa, esos/esas) to discuss likes and dislikes related to clothing

1- Read Gramática box on p. 172 focusing on demonstrative adjectives  (read yellow boxes and strategy in upper right corner as well)

2- Brief lesson focusing on demonstrative adjectives  + watch GramActiva video

3- Work with Partner A. Each person should choose two masculine items (libros, bolígrafos, cuadernos, lápices, abrigos) and two feminine items (hojas de papel, mochilas, botellas de agua, carpetas). Take approximately one minute per partner to switch between singular/plural and close/far arrangements of the items, requiring your partner to use the correct demonstrative adjective for each.

Esos bolígrafos.          Ese libro.         Estas carpetas.           Esas botellas de agua.

4- Talk through activity 24, p. 172 with Partner A

5- Remember that the conjugated forms of the verbs gustar (to like) and encantar (to love) end with an "n" when referring to something plural.

¿Te gusta esa falda?           (SINGULAR)      

Me gusta esa falda.                Me encanta esa falda.                        No me gusta esa falda.         

¿Te gustan esas faldas?       (PLURAL)         

Me gustan esas faldas.          Me encantan esas faldas.                  No me gustan esas faldas.

6- Work in equipos, take turns asking questions using items in PowerPoint. The question asker role will rotate, and everyone will answer each question (including the quesiton asker).

Homework: p. 225 and 226 in 7A packet (10 pts.)


Objective:  Review numbers 100-1000 and use to discuss clothing prices with the verb costar

1- Read through Fondo cultural box on p. 165. Using your iPads, search for the answers to the following questions.

¿Cómo se llama el dinero de Honduras?

¿Cómo se llama el dinero de Guatemala?

¿Cómo se llama el dinero de Ecuador?

2- Review numbers 100-1000 as a group.  Focus on irregular forms of 500 (quinientos), 700 (setecientos) and 900 (novecientos).  

cien                                         100
ciento uno                             101
ciento dos                              102
ciento tres                             103
ciento noventa y nueve      199
doscientos                             200
doscientos uno                     201
doscientos dos                      202
trescientos                            300
cuatrocientos                        400
quinientos                             500
seiscientos                             600
setecientos                            700
ochocientos                          800
novecientos                          900
mil                                          1000

dos mil                                   2000
tres mil                                  3000
ciento mil                              100,000
millón                                     1,000,000
mil millónes                          1,000,000,000

NOTE:  When numbers are used as adjectives  (doscientos pesos) the number must match the gender of the noun it describes. Thus, £300 (British pounds sterling) would be trescientas libras esterlinas in Spanish.    (la libra esterlina  =  Pound sterling)

3- Complete listening activity 12 on p. 165

4- Work with Partner A and talk through activity 13 on p. 13.  Use pesos uruguayos in your answers.

5- Using iPads, take no more than one minute to look up any clothing item for sale online.  Get together with your equipo and guess how much each item costs using the language below.

¿Qué piensas es el precio de este abrigo?  
What do you think the price of this coat is?

Pienso que ese abrigo cuesta ciento cincuenta dólores.
I think that coat costs one hundred and fifty dollars.

Tienes razón.                          No tienes razón.
You're correct.                       You're incorrect.

If time permits, look up additional items and continue working in equipos.

Homework: Find at least one (reasonable!) clothing item to bring to tomorrow's class. It should be something that you don't care very much about (i.e. it wouldn't matter if it got lost or damaged, because it probably will).  We will use this item during tomorrow's class to discuss how clothes fit. (5 pts).


Objective: use verbs servir, buscar and quedar to discuss searching for clothing and how clothing fits

1- Rompehielos:  Using your tableta, write a few prices between $100 and $500. Your numbers should all be divisible by 5  (125, 255, 405, 415, etc). Take a few minutes to walk around the room and meet up with five different partners. As you walk up to a new partner, indicate one of your numbers by pointing at it. Whoever says the correct sum of the numbers first gets the point.

$205  +   $115   =   El precio es trescientos veinte dólares

2- Complete activity 10 on p. 164 using en que puedo servirle and buscar

3- Focus on verb quedar  (to fit, and also to stay).  In this chapter we'll be using quedar to describe how clothing fits.

¿Cómo me queda esta falda?                        How does this skirt fit me?

Esa falda te queda bien.                                 That skirt fits you well.

Esa falda te queda mal.                                 That skirt fits you poorly.

¿Cómo me quedan estos pantalones?           How do these pants fit me?

Esos pantalones te quedan muy bien.           Those pants fit you very well.

Esos pantalones te quedan muy mal.            Those pants fit you very poorly.

NOTE:  Just as in English, it sounds best to use the close form of the demonstrative adjective in the question and the far form in the answer. We must also remember to use quedan when describing a plural noun like pantalones or multiple clothing items.  

4- Walk around the room looking for different clothing items. Follow the model language below.

S1:        Perdón.
S2:       ¿En qué puedo servirle?

S1:         Busco unos zapatos.
S2:         Aquí está(n).

S1:         ¿Cómo me queda(n) este / esta / estos / estas zapatos?
S2:         Ese/ esa / esos / esas zapatos te queda(n)  bien  /  mal.

S1:         Muchas gracias.
S2:         De nada.

5 - Work in equipos, write mini-skits to be acted out during tomorrow's class. Each member must speak at least three times and the following elements should be included:

            * dependiente / dependienta offering assistance to customers

            *  customers using the verb buscar and clothing vocabulary

            * demonstrative adjectives   (este/esta, ese/esa, estos/estas, esos, esas)

            *  quedar to describe how clothing fits

            *  costar   (cuesta / cuestan) to ask about and describe prices of items

Homework: p. 126 in 7A packet


Objective: write and act-out mini-skits

*  *  briefly review blog post with midterm information * * 

Today we will finish writing our mini-skits that we began yesterday. We will begin acting out the skits after 20 minutes of writing and planning time.

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