Thursday, January 23, 2014

Midterm Schedule (Week of Jan. 27-31)

Below is a day-by-day breakdown of what each class is doing next week. Note that all classes are testing during all scheduled periods next week, and that the only difference is whether a given day is dedicated to starting the speaking exam, continuing the speaking exam or taking the ten-question written exam. 

Monday 1.27
Tuesday 1.28
Wednesday 1.29
Thursday 1.30
1st Period
Speaking exam
Speaking continued*
Written exam
2nd Period
Speaking exam
Speaking continued *
Written exam
3rd Period
Speaking exam
Speaking continued *
Written exam
4th Period
Written exam
Speaking exam
Speaking continued *
6th Period
Written exam
Speaking exam
Speaking continued *
7th Period
Speaking exam*
Written exam + Finish speaking

*  =  100 minute class period (97 minutes for 7th period)

This means that all students should be ready to test from the moment they walk into the door next week! On the speaking days, just assume you'll be the first person to be called into the hallway. Spend this weekend studying the information linked here. Also remember the optional 50-point extra credit that has been offered to both Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 that can also be found on the top of the linked page. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Week of Jan. 20-24



¡no hay escuela!



Objective:  Apply knowledge of prepositions by completing a variety of activites and games

1- Act out motions to illustrate meaning of prepositions. Note new prepositions:

cerca                -   close

lejos                -   far

en frente         -   in front  (same meaning as "delante")

arriba              -   up

abajo               -   down

Note:  Arriba and abajo are typically not used with de.  To say "above," you can use encima de or sobre. To say underneath you should use debajo de.

2- Complete listen and draw exercise

3- Complete another listen and draw exercise with your B Partner

4- Refresh questions to ask how many there are of something, as well as questions to ask where items are located:

¿Cuántas banderas hay en la sala de clases?           Hay diez banderas en la sala de clases.

¿Cuántos lápices hay encima de la mesa?                Hay tres lápices encima de la mesa.

¿Dónde está la carpeta?                                            La carpeta está encima de la mesa.

¿Dónde están los estudiantes?                                  Los estudiantes están en el carro.

5- Complete rotating communication task using the above language

Tarea: p. 48 in 2B packet



Objective: Read about Central America and discuss the culture and geography of the region

1- Act out motions going with 2B prepositions vocabulary

2- Working with Partner A, take turns reading through p. 142-143 out loud. Find answers to the questions below:

a. What ethnic group makes up a large part of Guatemala's population?

b. Which country attempted to build the Panama canal but failed because of widespread disease?

c.  What country sucessfully completed the project and owned the canal zone until 1999?

d. Which country was also considered as a site for the canal? 

e. Which country's ports were often targeted by pirates in the first couple centuries of Spanish rule?

3- Use colors vocabulary as a class and look at the flags of Central America

4- Use the verb tener to answer quetsions about the flags of Central America

¿Qué colores tiene la bandera de Panamá?

La bandera de Panamá tiene roja, azul y blanca.

Using iPads, search for flags in Spanish.

la bandera de Panamá

la bandera de Costa Rica


Tarea: study for mid-term + do optional extra credit for 50 points



Objective: apply knowledge of 2B vocabulary to complete ¡Adelante! reading

1- Review p. 48 with Partner A   (read aloud)

2-  Act out prepositions motions

3- Talk through activity 28 on p. 136 with Partner A

4- Work with Partner A. Read athough ¡Adelante! reading on p. 138 EN VOZ ALTA! (OUT LOUD!) Preview the vocabulary in the blue box on the right-hand side of the page before reading.

5- Write answers to ¿Comprendes? questions on p. 139

6- Complete listening exercise 9 on p. 44 of the 2B packet

7- Use any remaining time to ask homework quetions and get a head-start on tonight's homework

Tarea: p. 47 in 2B packet (crossword puzzle)  10 pts.



Objective: Demonstrate knowledge of 2B vocabulary and grammar through 2B exam

* *  answer homework questions + turn in 2B packet * *

Take 2B exam. Use extra time to study for midterm.




¡no hay escuela!



Objective: use clothing and shopping vocabulary to communicate with and about classmates 

1- Complete icebreaker activity (translate sentences into español)

a. This t-shirt doesn't fit me well.                           

b. They plan to buy some new shoes.                     

c. I'm looking for a new suit.                                   
d. That coat costs one hundred forty dollars.      

e. Maybe those shorts are better.                

2- Discussion activity using a combination of yo, tú, and él/ella/Ud. verb forms. Create a chart similar to the one below or copy it using Notability. Take a moment to complete the yo column first. Then speak with three different students and fill in the remaining boxes. Be sure to write verbs and not just clothing vocabulary!


¿Qué ropa llevas hoy?

(tres cosas)
Estoy llevando una camisa azul, unos pantalones
marrónes y unos tenís.


¿Qué ropa prefieres en el mes de julio?

(tres cosas)

Prefiero las blusas, las faldas y las sandalias en el mes de julio.


¿Qué tipos de ropa te gustan más?

(dos cosas)

A mí me gustan más las sudaderas con capucha y los pantalones cargo.

Le gustan más...

¿Qué tipos de ropa no te gustan nada?

(dos cosas)
A mí no me gustan nada las gorras ni las camisas escoséses.

No le gustan nada...

¿Cuál es tu articulo de ropa preferido?  (¿Tienes un favorito?

(una cosa)

Mi articulo de ropa preferido es mi suéter gris.

Su articulo de ropa preferido es...



¿Qué ropa llevas hoy?

(tres cosas)






¿Qué ropa prefieres en el mes de julio?

(tres cosas)


¿Qué tipos de ropa te gustan más?

(dos cosas)

Le gustan más...

¿Qué tipos de ropa no te gustan nada?

(dos cosas)

No le gustan nada...

¿Cuál es tu articulo de ropa preferido?  (¿Tienes un favorito?

(una cosa)

Su articulo de ropa preferido es...

3- Students randomly seleted to answer various questions

4- Use remaining time to get a head-start on this week's homework  (packet to be finished by start of class Friday)

Tarea:   p. 49   (10 points)



Objective:  Focus on aspects of Spanish and Latin American culture related to clothing

¡OYE!  Hay crédito extra en la sección que se llama "Midterm Information." Vale 50 puntos. 

1- As a rule, clothing in many Latin American countries tends to be more formal than clothing in the United States. As we recall from the Videohistoria, it is not culturally acceptable to wear a t-shirt, jeans and a baseball hat to a social gathering. On anecdotal level, I've noticed in my own travels in Latin American countries that men are far less likely to wear shorts, even when the weather is very hot. The same is true for tennis shoes: one typically only wears them when actually exercising, and men are much more likely to be seen wearing nice leather shoes when out and about. T-shirts are much less commonly worn outside, and are normally worn underneath a button-down or other collared shirt.

What might account for this difference in culture? Take a few minutes to brainstorm with your equipo. We will regroup in a few minutes and share our ideas.

2- Read Fondo Cultural box on p. 162 and linked article.  Look at pictures of Botero's art below:

                                                      The Presidential Family, 1967

                                      Photos taken in Botero Plaza, Medellín, Colombia  (2011)

What do you think of Botero's style?

3- Talk through activity 14 on p. 166. Talk through activity twice -- once as dependiente/a, again as the cliente.

4- Watch episode 17 of Mi Vida Loca focused on buying clothing. Preview vocabulary together:

¿Tiene una talla más grande?           Do you have a bigger size?

¿Tiene una talla más pequeña?         Do you have a smaller size?

un par de zapatos                               a pair of shoes

el número                                           shoe size  (number)

el probador                                         the fitting room

la ropa                                                 clothing

Estoy mirando                                     I'm just looking

¿Hay en otro color?                            Are there any other colors?

5- Working with Partner B, complete p. 123 (from tonight's homework). Read each line aloud and fill in the correct word or words in each blank.

Tarea:   p. 123 (fill in blank) + 223 & 224  (brief review of pensar, preferir, querer)  (15 pts. total)



Objective: Complete ¡Adelante! reading focusing on polleras, molas and other traditional clothing worn in Panama

1- Working with Partner A, read through p. 123 from last night's homework line by line. Discuss and resolve any areas of disagreement. 

2- Working in equipos, brainstorm as many facts about Panama as you can. You may use the CIA World Factbook page on Panama. These will be shared with the class.  

3- Working with Partner A, read ¡Adelante! on p. 176 and p. 177. Working together, write answers to Comprendes questions in español.

4- Look at San Blas Islands and Kuna photos below

Una mujer Kuna en la Ciudad de Panamá

Unas mujeres Kunas en la Ciudad de Panamá

Unas molas en la Cuidad de Panamá

El canal de Panamá

Playa en las islas San Blas

Niños en las islas San Blas

5- Working with Partner A, practice asking and answering midterm discussion questions and check in with homework questions 

* *  if time, watch Mi Vida Loca video * * 

Tarea:   p. 128  (crossword puzzle)  10 points   +   study for 7A test tomorrow!



Objective:  Take 7A test 

* * answer homework questions and turn in 7A packets * *

Demonstrate knowledge of all 7A vocabulary, grammar and cultural knowledge by means of multiple choice test.

Use any remaining time after the test to study for the midterm  (speaking questions posted under Midterm Information in menu at top-right)