Sunday, December 15, 2013

Week of Dec. 16-20

Spanish 1


NOTE: 2A EXAM THIS THURSDAY! (know all 2A vocabulary, all Spanish subject pronouns, ordinal numbers 1-10 (primera, segunda, tercera, etc.), and how to conjugate -ar verbs (yo canto, tú cantos, él canta, etc). 


objective: conjugate -ar verbs for a vareity of communicative purposes


1- Complete act. 19 on p. 102 as a speaking task with your B Partner. Take turns reading each sentence aloud and filling in the correct answer in the blank.

2- Get in equipos. Each student needs to rip out a piece of notebook paper and create a small card for each Spanish subject pronoun below:

Usted (Ud)
Ustedes (Uds)

3- We will play a game in which the members of each team compete against each other to see who comes up with the correct conjugation of each verb. The way that you conjugate the verb will depend on the subject pronoun card that is flipped in your group. During the game, the three members who did not flip the pronoun card need to write down the correct conjugation of each verb said by the teacher. Each student will keep track of his or her own points.

4- Working with Partner A,  complete act. 23 on p. 104. Be sure to use the yo form for the left-hand bubble, the nosotros/nosotras form for the overlapping section in the middle, and the él/ella/Ud. form for the bubble on the right.

5- Some students are randomly selected to share the information on their Venn Diagrams.

6- Review homework assignment and project for tomorrow's clas

Homework:  During tomorrow's class you will create a story using the app Story Kit. The app is made for the iPhone, but it can be downloaded and used on the iPad.

For tonight, your homework will be to 1) download the Story Kit app, and 2) take the following six pictures of yourself using your iPad:

- you studying something you like
- you studying something you don't like
- you showing which one of those two things you like more
- you doing something you do in the morning
- you doing something you do in the afternoon
- you doing something you do in the evening

You can be serious or funny with your project. Use this model as a guide if you get stuck.



objective: create stories in Story Kit using 2A vocabulary

1- Spend approximately 25 minutes putting together a story in Story Kit using the photos you took at home last night. Remember the required story  elements shared in yesterday's class:  

*   personal introuction   (me llamo _______, soy de _________, tengo ____ años)

*  two classes you have and when you have them + which class you like more  Ttengo la clase de biología en la segunda hora. Tengo la clase de artes marciales en la tercera hora. Me gusta más la clase de artes marciales).

*  three conjugated verbs in the yo form (yo estudio en la mañana, yo como en la tarde, yo horneo galletas en la noche)

Again, you can be serious or funny with your project. Use the model shown in class as a guide if you get stuck.

2- Share stories with your equipo

3- Some students share with the class using AirPlay (volunteer or random selection)

Homework: p. 66 and 67 in 2A homework packet



objective: complete ¡Adelante! reading activity

1- Share Story Kit stories with your equipo. A few volunteers share stories with the whole class using AirPlay. 

2- As icebreaker, work with equipos to read through act. 25 on p. 106. Take turns reading sentence by sentence, then convert the numbers at the bottom into Mayan numbers. Add a few numbers of your own if you have time.

3- Work with Partner A to complete ¡Adelante! reading activity on p. 108, then write answers to ¿Comprendes? questions on p. 109

Note:  me gustaría   =   I would like to 

4- Review as a class

Homework: p. 38 in 2A packet (Repaso crossword puzzle, worth 10 points)


Jueves - objective:  take 2A exam

Classwork:  Use first five minutes of class for review + ask/answer questions. Majority of class period spent taking 6B exam.

Homework: optional extra credit assignment:  p. 39 in packet (worth 20 points with complete sentences)

Bring your packet to class tomorrow to receive credit for the last two week's homework assignments!


Viernes - objective:  watch Globe Trekker video

Classwork:  Use class period to watch Globe Trekker video. Write a minimum of five facts about the focus country while watching the video. Students will be randomly selected to share facts from the video at the end of the class!

Homework: ¡Pasen las vacaciones de navidad muy bien!  (Have a great Christmas break!)

Spanish 2


NOTE: 6B EXAM THIS THURSDAY!  (know all 6B vocabulary, present progressive tense, affirmative  commands for exam)

Lunes - objective:  use affirmative commands to give orders relating to chores


1- Open books to p. 138. Read Gramática box with Partner A and discuss the following questions:

 *  What is an affirmative command?

 * What is the conjugation rule for making an affirmative command most of the time?

 * Which two common Spanish verbs from the current chapter are irregular as affirmative commands?What are their forms as affirmative commands?

2- Regroup + students randomly selected to answer above questions. Note other irregular affirmative tú commands:

You can remember these eight irregular affirmative commands through the convenient expression ven - di - sal - haz - ten - ve - pon - sé (Vin Diesel has ten weapons). 

3- Review weekend's homework (p. 207 + 208) as a class

4- Using 6B vocab sheets, sing through Quehaceres commands as a group

5- Using 6B vocab sheets, complete rotating communication task. Individuals facing the windows randomly select a chore-related infinitive verb (i.e. quitar el polvo, limpiar el baño, etc.) and the person opposite them must say the chore as an affirmative command. Before rotating, the student facing the windows must say the same verb using the yo form of the present progressive tense (yo estoy quitando el polvo, yo estoy limpiando el baño, etc.).

6- Discuss Story Kit project (to be completed in class tomorrow). Read example story as a group and view app in App Store. 

Note:  en vez de = instead of 

In equipos, look over the directions for the project (listed under tomorrow's plan) and decide 1) which role each member of your equipo will play, 2) what the details of the story will be.

Note: Before leaving today's class, you should know enough about your story to decide which pictures you need to take at home tonight. We will be putting the projects together during tomorrow's class. You may be creative with you story, but it must include:

*   at least three affirmative commands relating to chores           (¡haz la cama!)

*   at least three present progressive statements                    (estoy tocando la guitarra)

*  at least three quisiera (I wish I could / I would like to) statements (quisiera ir al cine en vez de hacer la cama)

Homework: do p. 116 in packet + take pictures for Story Kit project. Download Story Kit for iPhone app  (it will work on your iPad).

+  Bonus Video!  - Affirmative Tú Commands


Martes - objective:  write stories using affirmative commands and present progressive tense


1- Working in your equipo, put together a story in Story Kit using the photos you took at home last night. Remember the required story elements shared in yesterday's class:

*   at least three affirmative commands relating to chores           (¡haz la cama!)

*   at least three present progressive statements                    (estoy tocando la guitarra)

*  at least three quisiera (I wish I could / I would like to) statements (quisiera ir al cine)

Each person in your group will have a special role in the project:

Creative Genius (genio creativo): Focuses on making the story as interesting, creative and funny as possible.

Writer (escritor)Focuses on writing out the Spanish sentences to be included in the story.

Copy Editor (corrector): Focuses on correct grammar and vocabulary in story. (Searches for words, ensures correct use of masculine/feminine forms, checks punctuation, accents, and agreement between nouns/verbs/adjectives).

Designer (deseñador): Actually creates the group's story within the Story Kit app. The other members of the group will need to email their photos from last night to the designer so that he/she can include them in the story. Note that only one of the four group members is actually creating the story within the Story Kit app.

2- After story is complete, run through it as a group, having each student read his/her lines aloud. Keep an eye out for errors and make necessary corrections.  

3- When your group is finished with its story, click the "Share" button on the main screen within the app. This will upload the story to the Story Kit server and give it a unique web address. After this you must email the complete story to Señor Kargol at . You may also "Cc" other members of your team so that they can also have a copy of the story.

Homework: p. 118 in 6B packet


Miércoles - objective:  share Story Kit stories  using AirPlay+ review for test tomorrow


1- Each team shares Story Kit story with the class, and all members of the group read their own lines aloud.

2- Review homework, answer remaining questions

3- Working with Partner A, read the carta (letter) included in act. 21 on p. 140. After you've read the letter, write out verbs in the purple box as affirmative commands.

4- Complete listening act. 8 on the front page of the 6B packet

Homework: p. 119 in packet (Repaso crossword puzzle, worth 10 points)


Jueves - objective:  take 6B exam

Classwork:  Use first five minutes of class for review + ask/answer questions. Majority of class period spent taking 6B exam.

Homework:  Bring your packet to class tomorrow to receive credit for the last two week's homework assignments!


Viernes - objective:  watch Globe Trekker video

Classwork:  Use class period to watch Globe Trekker video. Write a minimum of five facts about the focus country while watching the video. Students will be randomly selected to share facts from the video at the end of the class!

Homework: ¡Pasen las vacaciones de navidad muy bien!  (Have a great Christmas break!) 

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