Monday, February 17, 2014

Semana de 17-21 de febrero


3A Vocab Sheet

3A Packet and Unit Plan

3A Quizlet Flashcards



no hay escuela



Objective: Review covered material from last week and demonstrate knowledge of -ar /  -er / -ir verbs in Spanish

1- Rompehielos: Test your knowledge of present tense verb conjugations. Create a chart like the one below and fill in the blanks with the correct verb conjugation in the present tense.





If you had trouble, remember that most conjugations for -er / -ir verbs are the same -ar verbs but tend to replace the a with an e. The exception to this rule is the nosotros form of -ir verbs, which end in ­-imos.

2- Play rapid-fire review game using -er and ­-ir verbs and food/beverage vocabulary. (students draw a picture of the food/beverage said + conjugate an infinitive verb to match the pronoun)

ex. Ellos compartir el jamón.

Ellos comparten el jamón.      

3- WIth your Compañero B, read Exploración del lenguaje (exploring the language) on p. 156. Take turns reading each paragraph aloud. When you're finished. complete activity 12 on p. 157 as a review of gusta/n and encanta/n.

4- Talk through partner questions (linked aquí)

5- Take  -ar / -er / - ir conjugation and food/beverage vocab quiz

Tarea: p. 57 in 3A HW packet   (worth 10 points)



Objective:  Use con (with) and sin (without) to discuss what you and your family members do and do not like to have with food

1- Nota:  La palabra CON significa "with." La palabra SIN significa "without."

Also remember what we've learned up to this point about how to say what  people like or do not like:

(a mí) me gusta/n                                             (a nosotros) nos gusta/n

(a ti) te gusta/n                                                 (a vosotros) os gusta/n

(a él / ella / Ud. / any name) le gusta/n     (a ellos/ellas/Uds) les gusta/n


A ti te gusta el café con leche.  

A ella le gustan las fresas con yogur.

A nosotros nos encanta el chocolate con helado (ice cream).

A mi familia no les gusta el cereal con azúcar (sugar).

Remember that gusta and encanta are only used with verbs or with one noun.

Te gusta esquiar.                                                    You like to ski.

Nos gusta el pan con mantiquilla (butter).       We like bread with butter.

Gustan and encantan are only used with plural nouns (more than one noun).

Me gustan las fresas sin azúcar.                      I like strawberries without sugar.

A ellos les gustan el té con leche.                       They like tea with milk.

Be careful! Most verbs in Spanish don't work this way. As we already know, verbs normally get conjugated a different way for different pronouns  (yo como, tú comes, él come, etc.) Verbs that follow the gusta/gustan pattern are actually called "Verbs like gustar."  We will learn more verbs like gustar as we move throughout the year.

2- With your Compañero B, ask/answer a combination of questions following the model below. Use the items below create new questions (including strange questions). You must either use con (with) or sin (without) with each question.

¿Te gusta/n       +      el / la / los / las    +   con / sin  +       (otra plabra?)

¿Te gusta  el cereal con plátanos?             Sí, me gusta el cereal con plátanos.

Do you like cereal with bananas?               Yes, I like cereal with bananas.

  ¿Te gustan las fresas con tocino?               No, no me gustan las fresas con tocino.

Do you like strawberries with bacon?         No, I don't like strawberries with bacon.

la sopa de verduras                     el chocolate                           el jamón

la pizza                                             el café                                    el yogur

las manzanas                                  el pan tostado                   el azucár

el queso                                           la leche                                el chocolate

las salchichas                                  las papas fritas                   la mantiquilla

los huevos                                       el jugo de naranja               el té


el azúcar                   =          sugar

el chocolate             =          chocolate

la mantiquilla          =          butter

3 -  Search for and save six pictures of food or beverage items from the vocab list. Complete rotating discussion activity. Use the same question and answer pattern given above.

4-  Remember the family vocabulary we've learned up to this point. Create a chart similar to the one below and write in true sentences to describe what food or beverage each person loves (le encanta/n) and what food or beverage each person does not like (no le gusta/n). (Blank chart below example chart).




A mi madre

le encantan las frutas con azúcar

No le gusta el café con azúcar.

A mi hermana Sally

le encanta el té con limón.

No le gusta le leche con limón.

A mi abuela

le encanta la sopa con pan.

No le gustan las manzanas con pan.

A mi tío Jef

le encanta el cereal

No le gustan las fresas

A mi tía Jennifer

le encantan los huevos

No le gusta el tocino




Tarea:  Complete writing off sentences for homework  (to be used with tomorrow's icebreaker)   +    p. 54 in homework packet  (worth 10 points)



Objective:  use ¡Qué asco! (how disgusting!) and ¡Qué delicioso! to respond to different foods/beverages

0- Briefly look at p. 57 from 3A packet

1- As an icebreaker, complete activity 11 on p. 157. Note the meanings of que asco and que delicioso above. Work with your Compañero A.

2- Today we are going to draw sándwiches extraños (weird sandwiches).

Your sandwich must include at least ten different foods (from the vocab list or elsewhere). Each item must be labeled. Title the page "Mi sándwich extraño."  Get loco with your sandwiches!

3- Turn to three different people. Show them your weird sandwich and read off the contents using the model below.

Aquí está mi sándwich extraño. Mi sándwich contiene (contains) [list your contents in Spanish here, using el / la / los / las as necessary]. ¿Te gusta?

Repond by either saying ¡Qué delicioso! or ¡Qué asco!

4- Complete picture circle activity using ¿Qué es esto? (What is this?) and food/beverage pictures. After identifying the item or items, ask ¿Les gusta/n...? (do you all like) as a follow-up question. Only one person needs to identify the item, but everyone needs to respond to the ¿Les gusta/n?  question.   Use con (with) and sin (without) if possible. 

5- Complete rapid conjugation activity  (linked aquí

Tarea: continue working on p. 57 and p. 54   (packet due tomorrow)



Objective: use the verb costar and other learned vocabulary to ask and answer questions as part of a "digital market day"


1- Rompehielos:  Talk through activity 17 on p. 161. Read aloud with your Compañero C, changing off at each sentence. If you finish early, quiz your partner on 3A vocabulary using your vocab sheet. 

2- Nota:  The verb costar means "to cost." There are only two conjugations of this verb used to discuss how much things cost:  cuesta for singular things and cuestan for plural things. We use these conjugations with the word cuánto (how much? how many?) to ask how much things cost.

¿Cuánto cuesta el pan?                    El pan cuesta dos dólares.
How much does the bread cost?     The bread costs two dollars.

¿Cuánto cuestan las manzanas?     Las manzanas cuestan diez centavos.
How much do the apples cost?        The apples cost ten cents.

Note than el dólar means "dollar" and el centavo means "cent."  Also note that the item being asked about comes at the end of the question in Spanish.

ENGLISH:   How much does the orange cost?

SPANISH:   ¿Cuánto cuesta la naranja?

3- Talk through act. 27 on p. 166. Ask your Compañero B questions about how much the food items in the picture cost. Be careful to use cuesta when asking and answering about single items and cuestan when asking and answering about more than one item. Use the model questions above as a guide.

4- Take five minutes to find pictures of five different food or beverage items (preferably from the vocab list). Notate each item with a price.

5- Set up classroom as large, self-enclosed market. The first half of the class will spend the first five minutes being vendedores (vendors). The other half must walk around and ask the following questions to as many vendors as possible, as well as write down notes on at least five differnt food or beverage items. After five minutes roles switch.  Use the questions and answers below as a guide.

¿Cuánto cuesta (el/la)...?                       El / la _______ cuesta ....
How much does the _____cost? The _______ costs .....

¿Cuánto cuestan (los/las)...?                Los / las ______ cuestan ....
How much do the ____-s cost?             The ______-s cost .....

¿Cuántos ______ hay?                            Hay .... ______________.
How many ____ are there?                     There are .... ___________.

¿Tiene más .....?                                         Sí, tengo más.... / No, no tengo más...
Do you have more....?                               Yes, I have more... / No, I don't have...

¿Tiene __________?                                 Sí, tengo ______. / No, no tengo...
Do you have ___________?                    Yes, I have _____. / No, I don't have...

¿Es fresco?                                                   Sí, es fresco. /  No, no es fresco.
Is it fresh?                                                     Yes, it's fresh. / No, it isn't fresh.

¿Son frescos?                                             Sí, son frescos.  /  No, no son frescos.
Are they fresh?                                            Yes, they're fresh. / No, they're not....

6- As a class, discuss notes from market day. Students randomly selected with animal cards.



7B Vocab Sheet

7B Vocab (Fotos)

7B Additional Vocab  (Fotos) 

7B Packet and Unit Plan 

7B Quizlet Flashcards



no hay escuela



Objective: Review preterite tense and take quiz

1- Refresh -car / -gar / -zar verbs as a group. Translate the following sentences using the correct spelling change in the preterite. 

    a.    I looked for a necklace.

    b.    I took some pictures. 

   c.     I arrived at three in the afternoon.

   d.    I ate lunch at one.

   e.    I paid five dollars. 

   f.     I organized my room at night. 

2- Ask/answer questions about this week's homework and review as a group.  Rap along with ¿Qué compraste ayer? one last time. 

3- Haz la actividad 16 en la página 197 con tu Compañero C. (You may move desks).

4- Take Preterite + Vocab quiz

5- Watch video focused on Otavalo Market in Ecuador

Tarea: Complete p. 59 in 7B packet. Write three sentences for each item. Use the preterite at least once for each of the three items  (worth 10 points)

BONUS - For a review of -car, -gar, -zar verbs and some extra practice, click aquí



Objective: use direct object pronouns  (DOPs) to replace nouns in sentences

1- Lee la caja de gramática en la página 202

2- Trabaja con tu Compañero A. Haz la página 240 en el paquete de tarea. Lee cada oración en voz alta. Escribe tus respuestas en la página.

3- Repasar como grupo

4- Haz la actividad 21 en la página 202. Una persona lee el número y la otra lee la respuesta corecta. Después, hazlo (do it) otra vez (again) en al revés (the other way around).

5- Haz la actividad 22 en la página 203. When finished, read the También se dice box on p. 203 and try to pronounce all of the words aloud.

Tarea: p. 136 en el paquete del cápitulo 7B  (10 pts)  +    install Haiku Deck updates on iPad



Objective: Use direct object pronouns (DOPs) and preterite tense to complete various speaking activities 

0- Briefly look at p. 136 from 7B packet

1- Open to p. 202. Think back to yesterday's class and DOPs. Discuss the following question?

a) What is the difference between a direct object and a direct object pronoun?

b) In following English sentences, what is the direct object and what is the direct object pronoun?

I bought the wallet. I bought it.

c) How would we translate the above sentences into Spanish? Where does the DOP come in relationship to the verb in the second sentence?

d) What are the two correct ways to translate the following English sentence into Spanish (only because there will be an infinitive verb coming after the conjugated verb).

I want to buy it.   (it = el bolso)

2- Haz actividades 24 y 23 en las páginas 204 y 203. Para actividad 24 NO NECESITAS ESCRIBIR.  Para actividad 23, Sí ES NECESARIO ESCRIBIR. Make sure to use DOPs in all of your answers.

3- Canta la canción por abajo. ¡Podemos inventar letras (lyrics) nuevas!

Yo compré un collar
Lo compré
 Yo compré un collar
Lo compré
No tengo ganas de cantar
esta canción más
pero compré un collar
Lo compré

(tener ganas = to feel like)
(la canción =  the song)

4- Take five minutes to search for pictures of five items you bought (in reality or fiction). You will talk through act. 25 on p. 204, but use your pictures instead of the pictures in the book. Follow the modelo.

5- Watch video on Otavalo Market in Ecuador

Tarea:  Continue working on p. 59 and 136 in 7B packet  (collected tomorrow)



Objective: Create Haiku Deck presentations using a combination of vocabulary and grammar

Rompehielos: Habla con to Compañero C. Lee los oraciones que escribiste (you wrote) en la página 59. 


Using Haiku Deck, create a past-tense story using pictures and the following forms.

* Preterite-tense verbs  (at least one -car, -gar, -zar verb)

* Direct object pronouns   (lo, la, los, las)

* 7B vocabulary (may also include additional vocab from back of packet + linked at top of page)

* Feel free to use new verbs! Don't hesitate to ask about new words or look them up using Word Reference.

Guiding Questions (Preguntas guías)

- ¿adónde fuiste (did you go)?      (where did you go?)
Yo fui a... (I went to)

- ¿con quién fuiste?                        (who did you go with?)
Mi amigo Juan vino (came) conmigo (with me).

- ¿qué buscaste?                      (what did you look for?)

- ¿qué más buscaste?              (what else did you look for?)
También busqué...

- ¿qué compraste?                    (what did you buy?)

-¿cuánto costó / costaron?      (how much did it / they cost?)    

- ¿cómo pagaste?                       (how did you pay?)

-¿qué más?                                  (what else?)

-¿cuándo regresaste a tu casa?  (when did you get back to your house?

regresar = to return to / to get back to a place

Tu cuento  (your story) necesita por lo menos seis diapositivas (slides). Puede tener más que seis si quieres. 

2- Comparte tu presentación con tu equipo. Si escuchas algo incorecto, dile (tell) a la persona que dijo (said) el error.

3- Algunos estudiantes comparten sus presentaciónes con la clase con AirPlay.

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