Thursday, September 26, 2013

About This Blog

¡Hola! Bienvenidos a mi nuevo blog.

The goal of this website is to keep students and parents up to date on assignments completed during school in David Kargol's Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 classes at Summit High School. Class work assignments (i.e. icebreakers, book activities, questions displayed via the projector, etc.) will be documented on this site beginning the week of Monday, September 30th, 2013. The main intention is to provide students who have legitimate, excused absences with a record of precisely what was done in class each day.

The following system should be followed in the case of an excused absence:

1) The student checks this website for missed work.  Please note that group activities and some listening exercises will not be possible to make up.

2) The student completes the missed assignments and hands them in to Señor Kargol within the timeframe permitted by the SHS Student Handbook  (number of days missed + 1).  Please note that work turned in beyond the permitted time will not be accepted. Work should be physically handed into Señor Kargol and not uploaded to the post.

When possible, links to videos watched in class, readings or other resources will be posted here. In general, students who miss class will need to check out a Realidades A (Spanish 1) or Realidades B (Spanish 2) textbook from the SHS library in order to complete book assignments. Some of the listening exercises done in class are also available on the Realidades homepage.

In general, posting comments and questions on this blog is not a good way to contact me; email is the best way to get quick answers to your questions. Señor Kargol can be reached at or by phone at (541) 355-4051.

Questions and comments are more than welcome. I hope this website is a useful tool for students as we proceed through the 2013-14 school year!

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