Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week of Sept. 30 - Oct. 4

Welcome to Señor Kargol's first classwork/homework post, focusing on the week of 9/30 - 10/4! Please note that there are two sets of classes and associated information: Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. Please make sure you're looking at the correct class when consulting this page!

Also, a reminder that this is by no means a comprehensive list of everything that was done in class. Rather, it is a super-simplified list of the classwork and homework that students with excused absences are responsible for completing and turning in to Señor Kargol. For more specific information about exactly what was done in class on a given day, students are encouraged to check in with Señor Kargol and/or ask a classmate. 


Spanish 1

M-  Review for Para Empezar unit test. Material students must know for test:

            * numbers (1-100)
            * alphabet
            * greetings / leave-takings
            * asking/answerings questions about how someone is doing
            * telling time
            * days, months and dates
            * weather questions and answers
            * dirty dozen (survival Spanish)
            * classroom vocabulary

Classwork: Translate basic dialogue from English into Spanish:

Juan:         Good afternoon, Rosa.
Rosa:         Hello, Juan!
Juan:         How are you?  (informal, use qué)
Rosa:         I'm well. And you?  (formal, use cómo)
Juan:         So-so.
Rosa:         What time is it?
Juan:         It's six thirty.
Rosa:         Thanks!
Juan:         You're welcome.
Rosa:         See you later.
Juan:         See you tomorrow.

Classwork:  Notebook activity matching "dirty dozen" survival Spanish phrases to scenarios: 

1. You want to know what an expression in Spanish means.

2. You want to ask a question.

3. You need to use the bathroom.

4. You'd like to know how to say a Spanish word in English.

5. You understand.

6. You don't understand.

7. You'd like to ask if you can go to the office (la oficina).

8. You'd like Señor Kargol to speak more slowly.

9. You'd like something repeated.

10. You'd like to get a drink of water. 

Homework: En El Camino D p. 12 (in packet) + study for test


T-  Test review + take Unit Test

(various speaking activities reviewing Spanish numbers and alphabet) 

no hay


W- Read about Aztecs + Aztec calendar

Classwork:  1) Read act. 11, p. 17 in book + Conexiones section. Complete act. 12, p. 17. 

2) Watch video on Aztec civilization, answer associated questions: 

1) The Aztecs built their capital city, Tenochtitlan, in the middle of Lake ________________.

2) Because the Aztecs didn't have the wheel or beasts of burden, they had to rely mainly on __________________ to build their cities.

3) Which ritual did the Aztecs commonly practice in order to try to satisfy the gods?

4) Where did sacrifices typically take place?

5) The Aztecs forced the people they conquered to pay them _____________.

6) In which year did the Spanish conquistadors, led by Hernán Cortés, destroy Tenochtitlan?   

7) ____________________ was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan.

Homework: no hay


Th- Use Spanish verbs to describe likes/dislikes

Classwork:  1) Create me gusta/ no me gusta charts in notebooks. Walk around room, asking/answering "Qué te gusta hacer? questions using chart/vocab from yellow handout.

me gusta    /    no me gusta

dibujar            nadar

correr              montar en bicicleta

patinar            jugar videojuegos


2) Students complete listening act. 1 and act. 2, p. 27

Homework:  Using yellow vocab sheet and me gusta vocab, write three true me gusta statements and three true no me gusta statements


F- Use Spanish verbs and likes/dislikes vocabulary to answer questions related to Videohistoria

Classwork: Students watch Videohistoria illustrating usage of Spanish verbs and likes/dislikes target language. Students complete act. 3, p. 31 and act. 4, p. 31 in notebooks

no hay


Spanish 2

M- Answer ¿Qué haces cuando? Qs related to tener + discuss Día de los Muertos

Note: Chapter 5A test moved to Wednesday, 10/2. Students need to know: 

 *  family vocabulary
 * celebration vocabulary (nouns and verbs)
 * tener expressions (tener que, tener hambre, tener sed, tener años, tener sueño,    
    tener prisa,tener suerte)
  * conjugations of tener with different pronouns (yo, tú, él/ella/Ud, nosotros, 
 * possessive adjectives  (mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus, nuestro/nuestros, nuestra/nuestras, 
 * verbs deber and poder
 *  gustar in various forms
 * celebrations: Día de los Muertos, Miniteca, Quinciñera

Classwork:  1) Respond to deber questions  (deber = to be required to):

1] Tú ____________________ romper la piñata.

2] Yo__________________ comprar los regalos para el cumpleaños de me sobrina.

3] Nosotros ___________________________ estudiar por el examen del español.

4] Ustedes __________________________ participar en las festividades del día de los muertos.

5] Él ________________________ sacar fotos del pastel.

6] Tú __________________________ hacer un video de la próxima celebración.

2) Watch Día de los Muertos video and respond to questions: 

1) What is the overall emotional mood of Día de los Muertos?

2) On which two days of the year is Día de los Muertos celebrated, and what the different characteristics of each day?

3) During Día de los Muertos, it is common to make __________________ to the dead.

4) What is goyeté?

5) Día de los Muertos represents a combination of which cultural influences? 

3) Read Día de los Muertos article from National Geographic.  Respond to questions included under questions tab. 

Homework: p. 5A-7 in packet


T- Review all material for 5A test (tomorrow) + discuss Quinceñera


Classwork: 1) Read about Quinceñera on p. 55 and read fun facts:

Quinceañera  - Hechos Divertidos

* The word quinceañera literally translates to "one who is fifteen years old." Thus, a quinceañera is not only a celebration, but the young woman for whom the celebration is being held.

* The quinceañera celebration marks the passage from girlhood to womanhood

* The quinceañera is one of very few cultural traditions that is found throughout all of Latin America, being celebrated in countries spanning from Mexico to Argentina

* In some traditions, the quinceañera has 14 male and female attendants and escorts, called damas and chambelanes, to represent the previous 14 years of life

* In Mexico,  quinceañera celebrations very often include a thanksgiving mass where a locket or pendant with the likeness of Mexico's patron saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe, is shared with the quinceañera .

2) Focus on word siempre (forever), and conjugate celebration verbs in sentences containing siempre:

1] Yo siempre _______________ (abrir) los regalitos en la mañana.

2] Ella siempre ______________ (romper) la piñata con mucha fuerza.

3] Ellos siempre __________________ (hacer) un video de cada celebración que tenemos.

4] Ellas siempre ___________________ (decorar) con muchos globos y flores.

5] Nosotros siempre ___________________ (preparar) una pizza gigante. 

Homework:  Complete Repaso crossword puzzle in back of packet  


W- Students take chapter 5A test

Classwork: Look over preview of chapter 5B on p. 63. Read chapter objectives and Fondo Cultural on p. 62

Homework:  no hay 


Th- Use capítulo 5B vocabulary to describe people by age, height, gender and hair color

Classwork: Students create a list of true statements about their family members using target language.

            * Tengo una hermana pelirroja. Ella es joven y guapa.
            * Mi padre tiene el pelo canoso. Es muy alto.

Homework: Write out seven statements about any seven non family members (celebrities, friends, teachers, etc.) using capítulo 5B vocabulary.  

F- Objective: Use capítulo 5B vocabulary to discuss table settings and restaurant situations

Classwork: Discussion Q:  ¿Cuál es el cubierto (silverware item) más importante? ¿Por qué?

Vocabulario Útil:

para - in order to

es necesario - it's necessary

no es necesario - it's not necessary


Es necesario tener la cuchara para comer la sopa.

Es posible comer carne sin un tenedor.

Write at least five statements about silverware items (el tenedor, la cuchara, el cuchillo), then decide which is the most important.

El cuchillo es el más importante porque.... 

Homework:  no hay

Thursday, September 26, 2013

About This Blog

¡Hola! Bienvenidos a mi nuevo blog.

The goal of this website is to keep students and parents up to date on assignments completed during school in David Kargol's Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 classes at Summit High School. Class work assignments (i.e. icebreakers, book activities, questions displayed via the projector, etc.) will be documented on this site beginning the week of Monday, September 30th, 2013. The main intention is to provide students who have legitimate, excused absences with a record of precisely what was done in class each day.

The following system should be followed in the case of an excused absence:

1) The student checks this website for missed work.  Please note that group activities and some listening exercises will not be possible to make up.

2) The student completes the missed assignments and hands them in to Señor Kargol within the timeframe permitted by the SHS Student Handbook  (number of days missed + 1).  Please note that work turned in beyond the permitted time will not be accepted. Work should be physically handed into Señor Kargol and not uploaded to the post.

When possible, links to videos watched in class, readings or other resources will be posted here. In general, students who miss class will need to check out a Realidades A (Spanish 1) or Realidades B (Spanish 2) textbook from the SHS library in order to complete book assignments. Some of the listening exercises done in class are also available on the Realidades homepage.

In general, posting comments and questions on this blog is not a good way to contact me; email is the best way to get quick answers to your questions. Señor Kargol can be reached at or by phone at (541) 355-4051.

Questions and comments are more than welcome. I hope this website is a useful tool for students as we proceed through the 2013-14 school year!